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In a war ravaged by war, famine, disease, and crime, Kumogakure somehow managed to pick up the pieces and attempt to rise to its former glory. Unlike the other village that managed to do the same, that being Otogakure, this was achieved not through a single leader's monetary influence but rather through the combined effort and work of multiple Kumonin. Kukishi Terumi, a young woman plagued by sharing her head's domain with a Bijuu, came across the former land of her ancestors and took the mantle of the leader that Kumogakure needed.

The first order of business was to move away the rubble, the bodies, the past, and to wipe the slate clean with a new promise of future. Although the village itself had been decimated by a meteor, it was made up of multiple mountains and hills; the Earth as its foundation, Kumogakure was impervious to these things. New buildings and monuments to civilization were erected. It didn't take long for this rock-solid village to rebuild lightning-quick. Its ninja are ferocious and very defensive of what can be considered a final foothold to a dead world. While Kukishi Terumi herself is young and relatively ignorant to the past, being a loner most of her life, she will fight with every ounce of her strength to preserve what has been created.

Kumogakure is now a bustling civilization. While it's ninja are powerful and not afraid to kill for the sake of their new home, and its militaristic priorities are at the top, they are not looking for another war. Diplomacy is now a route that will be taken whenever possible. Defense is of the utmost importance. Kumogakure first seeks to rebuild itself, and finally, to rebuild the world. It seeks new ninja, new potential for defense and culture and strength. No animosity is currently held towards Otogakure by Kumogakure. Rather, a sort of mutual respect for the *other* final foothold of civilization. Perhaps the two villages will be able to work together for a new civilization. Perhaps they'll tear each other apart.