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It's a dream.. I think.
Reaper hadn't expected sleep to come so swiftly but here she was, staring up at a glowing structure. Well hello, there. What are you? She tilts her head and studies the symbols carved into its surface. An alien, but beautiful light emitted from the core of it. Do you need something from me? She wasn't expecting a response, speaking out loud had become part of her thinking process- a side effect of choosing to spend most of her time away from other kin. Sighing, the pale doe tore her gaze from the obelisk to look at her surroundings and grunted in disappointment at the monochromatic scene that awaited her. Ugh.. Flicking a sooty ear at the non-distinct, unsaturated world around her, she looked back to the glowing symbols. I'm sorry. I don't know what this means..I wish I did. Extending a foreleg, she taps the structure softly with a hoof--

and the world falls from under her with no warning. Reaper doesn't have a chance to scream as she falls. The sudden destruction she seems to have created breaks her heart for only a second.

But then the familiar sounds and smells of her home sooth her, the muggy warmth of the swamp envelopes her. At some point during her fall, Reaper had closed her eyes in a moment of consternation, but now she opened them to be greeted by the silhouette of trees against the soft moonlight. Inhaling deeply, she allows the humid air to calm her. Mm.. what a strange dream. A smile crept across her lips and she gave her body a vigorous shake. Turning to find out if she was anywhere near home she--


The obelisk's looming presence waited to greet her and the world disappears behind it. Reaper freezes, unable to breathe as the structure absorbs all of her attention. Panic rises to her throat as she tries to pull away. The panic is fed as her chest began to ache and she struggles to regain control of her body as the lights of the symbols hold her fast. Body-less voices crooned in her ears, the whispers of those she had prayed over and prepared for burial. Ghostly horns combed through her hide and phantom lips nipped her flank. A whimper escapes her lips and tears of terror and frustration begin to make dark tracks down the white fur on her cheeks. Let me go.. please, let me go. She begged the light and fought the panicked squeak in her voice. Exhaustion sweeps over her as the voices fade out and her eyes slide closed. Gaining freedom from the obelisk's glow was like the snapping of a branch and she drops to the soft moss of her homeland, and she relishes in a moment of triumph. A bad taste lingers in her mouth as her strength slowly seeps back into her bones and she staggers to her feet. Reaper shakes her head in an attempt to clear it but the action was unsuccessful.

Reap? Are you okay? Warm breathe gusts over her as the nose of her eaglehound noses into the hollow of her throat. She inhales deeply and stretches out her limbs before peeling open an eye to look up at Light questioningly. You were talking in your seemed distressed. The worry in her companions voice made her chuckle and she heaved herself to her feet. No worries, Light. It was just a dream.