20 years ago, an event occurred that would leave the country horrified. On October 31, 1995, an apartment building in NYC was gutted. Every single apartment in the 55 story building was destroyed, the carnage of the massacre was deemed horrendously inhumane. Of all the residents of that building, only a few young children survived. When asked what had happened, each and every one of them said the same thing: Monsters.

What no one knows is that on that night, a group of unknown people had tampered with forces beyond their control. They had hoped to gain power, wealth, immortality, and other such things. Easy to say, things didn't work out. Instead, they unknowingly opened the Gates of Hell. With the Gates open, demonic creatures surged forth, slaughtering and feasting upon the innocent without mercy. However, for some unknown reason, the Gates of Hell closed, preventing more creatures from venturing into our world.

However, the ones that had already crossed onto earth remained trapped here. So, the demons disappeared, though not entirely. Every now and then, there will be a strange homicide or sighting, not no one ever accredits it to the supernatural. Even though they should.

Now in the present, demonic activity is beginning to pick up again. This is where you come in, you are one of the survivors from the massacre 20 years ago. Orphaned from that event, life has been difficult for you, yet it has also made you stronger in ways you don't even realize. Thanks to Hell's Gate opening, you were exposed to an unknown form of energy, which caused certain...mutations. To put it frankly, you have supernatural powers, and they can be used to fight the demons. So now you must choose to either join a special task force set up to deal with the demon threat, or follow a different path.

But what could be in store for the future? Could those that opened the Gate before be planning on trying it again? Could there be corruption in the upper levels of the Task Force? Are the demons plotting something? The clock is ticking towards a future only you can help shape, but beware, for things will never be as they appear, and path before you may not lead you to happiness.