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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:30 pm
Andre thought distantly that he must have grown over the past few years that he had been in Kodo because normally he did not tolerate anyone speaking to him like that. He waited for the familiar, indignant anger to bubble up and slip past his lips in the form of a biting retort meant to belittle and scar....but all that came was a slight upturn of his lips.

How quaint.

"Akira was kind enough to offer words of comfort during this rather sad time." He said softly as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear. "He's such a lovely person, no? You're very fortunate to have him, Adam." He said with a slight lilt to his tone and a charming smile. Whether it was to rile Adam or not....nobody needed to know but him. While he didn't appreciate the interruption to their conversation, he did enjoy the way that Akira defended him. Such a cute little thing he was. "Andre?"

Said man glanced over his shoulder only to raise his gaze to the man looming over him with a tray full of tea balanced on one hand while the other stayed clenched at his side. "Ah, Louis. Welcome back." All six feet and two inches of the man was tense, appearing ready to strike at any provocation. It was obvious that he had heard the way that Adam had spoken to Andre and did not find it as amusing as his employer. "Is there a problem here, Sir?" He asked lowly, the muscles in his forearms flexing beneath the crisp, white linen of his shirt.

Giving a soft huff of a laugh, Andre reached up to pluck his drink from the tray and smiled when Louis bent obediently at the waist to bring it closer. "No, of course not. There was just a bit of a misunderstanding." He cupped the mug between his hands and turned to give Akira a winning smile. "I bumped into a friend and we're catching up. Akira, I'd like for you to meet my associate Louis. Louis, this is Akira and his boyfriend Adam." Narrowed, honey-coloured eyes flickered between the two before he gave a polite nod. "A pleasure to meet you."  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:31 pm
... And of course Akira couldn't see it. While Adam adored his boyfriend, observant wasn't a quality he would give the now-silver haired guy. Three words, yes. There were more words shared non-verbally. However, Adam wasn't about to continue the fight, even if the smug smile really begged to be cleared off of the purple haired douchebag's face.

Why are his hands sweaty? Adam realized for the first time the dampness of Akira's touch. Certainly no ill thoughts had occurred to Adam, someone who by all means was a very touchy person. An intense emotion made his throat clench and stomach twist. Has he ever had that reaction around me? Just asking the question made his heart beat harder and the uncomfortable emotion increased.

"You're right, I am fortunate to be with him," The emphasis on the word was sharp, but his face was neutral and calm. Taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes and let it out, trying to visualize whatever nasty emotion was making him so angry on top of the annoyance that this d**k-- Andre -- had caused flowing out of his body on the exhale. It helped, somewhat. That and the desire to not upset Akira. Why are his hands sweaty? Why is he so nervous? Why is he acting this way? This guy is a p***k, but he's a rich p***k. He can understand... Adam refused to let the train of thought go further. He opened his eyes and returned to the conversation.

"I'm sorry for your loss," genuine sympathy spread in his tone, "It's certainly not easy to deal with." Adam didn't return the polite gesture from Louis. Andre's "associate"? Bodyguard. Yeah, the bodyguard who had been tense and acting like he was ready to jump Adam at any second. That was definitely someone with whom you shared pleasantries.  

Magician Arcana

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 5:36 pm
Akira continued to watch Adam with a look of distress and concern. He glanced at Andre when the well-dressed man praised him as being a 'lovely person', wondering what he had done to deserve such a compliment and what that had to do with anything right now. Was Andre baiting Adam? No matter how Akira looked at it, though, his comments didn't sound hostile or mocking or even sarcastic. Perhaps his smile could have been interpreted otherwise, but it could just as easily have been nothing more than a pleasant expression. It was Adam's blatant anger that had Akira more worried, especially because he felt Adam would have been the sort to start a fight if his temper rose high enough.

And then Louis showed up. Just one inch taller than Adam but with a much more solid build than the bony teen, Akira dreaded to think of how a showdown between Andre's companion and his own would go. Adam himself didn't seem to be listening to his boyfriend, so Akira quietly excused himself and rose from his seat at the table. Andre had taken that time to introduce them all to Louis, though, so the emerald-eyed young man smiled timidly and offered a bow to their new acquaintance. "I-it's a pleasure to meet you too, Louis. Um, that was awfully nice of you to come all the way from Grande Isle to help Andre with funeral preparations for Vincent. You must be a very loyal friend."

He stood beside Adam as he spoke, rubbing the blonde's arm consolingly. "I'm so sorry to intrude on your outing. Perhaps it's time Adam and I take our leave for now." He hesitated, thinking. "Though...Andre, would...would it be too much to ask if I might be able to attend the funeral as well? If it's a private matter, then I completely understand. But...Vincent was a good friend of mine, too, and I thought I should pay my respects. I could always do so another time, though."
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:22 pm
Louis continued to silently study the silver-haired boy as he spoke, his gaze occasionally flickering over to his boss to gauge his reactions. Andre seemed nothing but amused at Akira's stuttering and blushing which was odd for the aristocrat but the man was odd no matter how you looked at him. "It was no trouble at all." He said finally, his gaze softening as the corners of his mouth ticked up into a small smile. "I do what I can to help." He bowed his head humbly, absently lowering the tray in his hand as Andre reached up for his pastry.

Andre waved off Akira's apology as he set his cup down on the table behind him. "You're not interrupting anything, Akira. Please don't worry about it." Knowing what he did of the other, it probably wouldn't stop him. "And thank you for the condolences, Adam." He twirled the ring around his finger absently. "It's been difficult... but we're finding ways to cope with our loss." Beside him, Louis shifted a bit closer. "But we'd love to have you, Akira." He turned his attention back towards the green-eyed boy. "It's going to be fairly small...but Vincent spoke so highly of you..." He trailed off slowly, thinking of the way Vincent snickered as he explained his run-ins with their mutual acquaintance. "He'd want you there." He smiled, a bit more forced this time, as he reached into his pocket. "If I could get your number? I'll send you the information as soon as we have everything set." He paused thoughtfully. "Or perhaps if you'd like to be more tradiontail I could send you an invitation if you give me your address." This time his smile was teasing as he held his phone out to Akira.  


Bashful Bunny

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:18 pm
Whatever emotion had risen wasn't going away. It kept twisting and turning and it was beginning to make Adam feel physically ill. At some point after expressing his sympathy, he must have zoned out. Gone on idle like a computer with no input, because the next thing he heard was the chair move and the touch of Akira's clammy palms on his shoulder. While the touch made him feel slightly better, it also had the exact opposite reaction. Confusing. Too confusing. This was why Adam didn't do polite society. Too much bullshit.

After the condolences were acknowledged he was once more foisted from the conversation. Sitting mutely, with a neutral expression, he watched as Andre invited Akira to the funeral. Adam wasn't about to butt in and ask for an invitation himself. These things could be plus one. He'd offer to accompany Akira if he needed the emotional support. Something told Adam he doubted his boyfriend would.

When the phone was offered to Akira, Adam stood from the table and pushed his chair back in, resting back on his heels, "Diaries help." His voice was calmer, and he looked at the table instead of making direct eye contact with Andre, "Same with movies dealing with similar topics. Therapy can help if you can't talk to those near you. Sometimes there's forums online for support if you need it. You're uh, obviously high class, so if you're worried about scandals, that might be your safest route. People say grieving is linear, but they're full of s**t. It does usually come in stages, but those can be longer or shorter, depending on the person. Somedays it'll seem like nothing is the matter, next day everything can be falling apart."

Adam paused from the long tirade of words and cleared his throat, "But obviously uh..." He looked back up at the Bodyguard, trying to recall the name, "...Louis.... Yeah, Louis is there, so you're not alone. That's important too. Keep an eye on him," Adam motioned with his head at Andre, "too. He might want to shut down or stop talking about it. Holding it in just makes it worse." Shrugging, the blonde went back to quiet, eyes once more looking at the table.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:26 pm
Akira was both relieved and surprised at Adam's response to Andre and Louis. As private a person as Andre seemed to be, Akira wasn't sure the purple-haired man was the sort to use those suggested methods of grieving, coping, or mourning to get over his loss, but who knew? Maybe he would have found them helpful if he tried them. Exhaling deeply, he gave Adam's shoulder a squeeze and beamed politely back at their company.

"Thank you, Andre. That means a lot." He accepted the phone offered, wondering vaguely what the change in Andre's smile might have meant as he typed in his phone number and address. Why not give him his address? Perhaps Andre had meant it as a joke or to tease, but Akira really wanted the man to know that he was there for him if he needed it. Like Adam's suggestions, he doubted this would be the case, particularly with Louis by his side, but...also like Adam's suggestions, who knew? Perhaps some day his help might actually be needed and his address really would be useful to Andre then.

He handed the phone back when he was finished. "Adam's had to deal with a great deal of loss himself when he was younger. Young as he still is, I daresay he's probably had more experience with how to cope than most people twice his age." Akira looked up at his boyfriend with a gentle smile that conveyed a mix of respect, admiration, and gratitude. "With the death of close loved ones as well as other tragedies in his life. You're both really strong in that way; you and Adam, Andre." Dropping his hand from Adam's shoulder, he found the other's hand and interlaced his fingers with those of the blonde's.

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:58 pm

Andre didn't really know what to make of those suggestions. Diaries, sad sob stories, people with more emotions than brain cells....it all sounded like a hassle. It sounded like people trying to pry into his business, trying to take a peek into his thoughts. Like five months stuck in a boring office for hours on end each and every day while a total stranger picked at his mind.

"Very helpful. I'll be sure to keep those options in mind." He released the death grip he had unknowingly taken on his croissant, letting the mangled pastry drop back onto the tray. "Thank you." His smile was a bit forced as he reached for a napkin to wipe the butter off of his hands, though it morphed into one of amusement at the mention of scandals. "Scandals are the least of my worries." His tone betrayed his mirth as he delicately cleaned his hands and then dropped the napkin back onto the tray. He took his phone back once it was Akira had finished with it as Louis regarded Adam quietly, only giving a tight nod at the advice.

He'd only seen Andre have an emotional outburst twice before and he could honestly say that he had never seen anything so terrifying yet heartbreaking at the same time. The blond had always wanted to be there for the other...but Andre always had other plans. His expression softened slightly as he glanced over at his boss before it immediately closed off again as said man glanced up at him. "Thank you both for your advice...but I believe Louis and I will be taking our leave." Andre stood from his seat and smoothed his dark button up over his chest. "I'll be in contact, Akira." He smiled politely and nodded at the pair. "Perhaps we can have lunch some time, hm?" With a slight motion to Louis, the purple-haired man turned to back towards the way they had come. Louis plucked a to go cup off the tray, "Prenez soin de vous." He nodded at the two before dutifully trailing after his departing boss.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:22 am
It was so hard to keep quiet, but he'd managed it. Years of practice came into overtime as his shoulders wiggled slightly from tension. As soon as the duo was out of earshot, Adam covered his mouth and giggled, "********... got so pissed he.. ruined his food." The laughter passed and Adam was able to wipe at his eyes, "What a... I don't even know what to say. Baby? Baby sounds close."

Welp, leave it to him to offer sound advice and have it elicit rage. Wasn't that his forte anyway? Pissing people off and screwing things up? "Sorry I ******** up your meeting with your uh, friend?" There was a slight lilt at the end, as Adam didn't really get their relationship.  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:33 pm
Raising a brow in surprise at the croissant, Akira blinked at it but made no comment. Nor did he comment on the smile Andre forced to his face as he wiped his hands. The emerald-eyed trainer managed to catch a glimpse of Louis' softened expression toward Andre before it reverted back to its usual countenance. How curious. Well, all the more reason he felt the purple-haired man wouldn't need him or his help. If he would turn to anyone, it seemed most likely to be Louis.

Akira nodded with an equally polite smile in acknowledgement of Andre's words. "Perhaps, when you're less busy. Take care, Andre; Louis." At least the private aristocrat had someone else now that Vincent wasn't around anymore. It seemed everyone needed someone or the world was much too lonely to live in.

He blinked as he felt his boyfriend's body tremble with giggles and frowned at his own tall blonde. "What did you just call him?" Akira asked, forehead creasing in disapproval. Sighing, he shook his head. "I thought you were being very level-headed for a while there until you had to remind me how immature you actually are."

"Different people cope with different things in different ways, Adam. You know that. Some...cope in less...socially-acceptable ways than others, but you also have to remember that what's considered socially acceptable in one society might not be the same in another."

His features became somewhat melancholy. "That display of his was a result of keeping emotions pent up. Not everyone was raised to act and talk as freely as they please. And not everyone deals with bottled feelings well. Some end up with two faces; split personalities. Many go mad."

"That wasn't a scheduled meeting. I just happened to recognize him from a time we met here long ago. Anyway, forget it." Squeezing Adam's hand, he pulled him into a seat at the table he'd been sitting. "Come on, let's order something."

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