Hello, so this is kind of my first time actually wanting to find a RP partner sweatdrop . The reason I am searching for a nice person to RP w/ me is because I want someone willing to RP with my character Lucifer Industrial in a steampunk setting.

My style of RP consists of two to five paragraphs, five sentence each and in third person ((Literature, proper punctuation, excellent grammar, no text talk and fine use of words are always a must)). ((Of course I am willing to go up to as many as seven or eight paragraphs, but not any lower than two.)). Am pretty forgiving towards minor mistakes for I myself make a few errors, as long as it is kept to a minimal.

Prefer if the RP takes place in PMs, but posts are fine, also. I can RP on Skype, too.

I love to plan the plot before actually delving into the story w/ partners. So dun't be afraid to share any plot bunnies, I'll likely find it interesting enough to discuss further. Once the skeleton's been developed, the RP may begin.

I just really want to RP with this character, because frankly, he has never been used in one yet, and he is my favorite. Flawed characters are beautiful to work w/.

The content can range from mature to soft. If mature the RP can take place on Skype.

What I am looking for in a partner

Someone who is semi-literate to literate, detailed, and basically has similar style/preferences as I.

It would be lovely if we could be friends outside of the RP~.

To have a versatile character willing to put up w/ Luke, because he won't bend easily.


Umm, so that is basically it. Further details can be discussed in PMs.

So, hope you find Lucifer and me interesting enough to RP with!!

Thank you~!!

heart heart heart