Name: Kuro Noh
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: About 14
User Image
Faction: Demon
Race: Hannya
Natural Ability:
You are the mask you wear
These words could not have been any truer for Kuro and his clan. Associating the mask they don to their very identities, the Nohs will go through great lengths to produce intricate masks for themselves. Well-crafted masterpieces have been known to give the wearer confidence and authority as well as garnering great respect amongst the clan members while crudely carved masks are usually looked down upon with disdain.

While a Noh demon can be seen wearing only a single mask at any given time, adult members of the clan have been known to equip themselves with up to twenty different masks depending on the circumstances (e.g: They might equip more if there’s a chance of having their mask broken in a fight or less if they are just going to a casual family gathering.) The instantaneous manner in which the masks are switched from one to the other is a closely guarded skill within the Noh clan. Currently, Kuro is capable of equipping up to three masks at once.

As a form of sports, the Nohs will partake in a game called A Thousand Faces . In this game, the winner will be the demon who can change his mask the fastest with the most amount of flair.

Personality: Kuro comes from a large extended family and is therefore never lonely although getting some time alone could be a problem with everyone keeping an eye on everyone else. Needless to say, gossip is the main mode of information sharing within the clan and some aunts are capable of gossiping for hours! Many have commented that Kuro has his mother’s eyes.

Polite – Swear words and rude gestures are distasteful in Kuro’s opinion. Anyone with half a brain should be able to get their message across without having to resort to crude gestures and words.

Team player – Coming from a large family, Kuro knows the importance of working together to keep the clan functional.

Amiable – When not consumed with emotions or having any grudges against you, Kuro can be a pretty nice and obliging guy.

Appreciates art – Everyone in Kuro’s family make their own masks to wear and a well-made mask gets bragging rights. So Kuro can definitely appreciate the finer details in an art piece (especially mask pieces).

Temperamental – As the Hannyas are demons originally formed from extreme negative emotions, Kuro is prone to give in to bouts of temper tantrums from time to time. It is best to keep away from him when he is in this state.


I am never truly naked unless I am without my mask – Self-explanatory. As long as he has his mask on, any other pieces of clothing that Kuro wears is immaterial. However, even if he is cloaked from head to toe, Kuro will feel naked without his mask.

Idol :
The Red Death from “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe. In fact, it is Kuro’s favourite bedtime story as a young boil (A human his dad scared dropped the book and his dad decided to take it home. Since it has scary skeletons and stuff printed on it). Like how kids love dressing up as their superheroes, Kuro even fashions his current mask to resemble that of the skeletal figure instead of the more traditional masks his family is used to. His parents are optimistic that he’d grow out of it though.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
As more and more humans become desensitized to horror (thanks to the plethora of horror movies popping out), the Nohs figured it would not hurt to send their child to an establishment specializing in the art of scaring. He might even pick up a few tricks along the way from other students of other races.

FEAR Ability:
Demonic Demeanour

Certain members of the Noh family can take on a more demonic appearance when thrown into an emotional turmoil. It is said that Granny Noh became so scary* when she heard of her husband’s infidelity that Grandpa Noh fainted from the sight of her upon returning from his rendezvous.

Where some members of his clan have been limited to only casting hexes, curses and the occasional illusionary spells; it would seem that Kuro has inherited his grandmother’s shapeshifting prowess (although he is still a long way from the level of shapeshifting she is capable of). When triggered, Kuro’s hands will become claw-like while a pair of horns could be seen sprouting from the top of his head. Blood will also begin to seep from beneath his mask. To throw his enemies off-guard, Kuro is apt to fling blood at his enemies and attack when they are still recovering from the shock (or disgust) of it.

* According to, they can take on a serpentine form and breathe fire. Not something to be encouraged unless having your home razed to the ground is part of your plan.

Fear mechanic: Double Take

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Refer reference image
Hair Colour/Style: Refer reference image
Skin Colour: Refer reference image
Clothing Style/Colours: Refer reference image
Extra: Refer reference image
References: Here

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