So I decided to see how many relatives Bitter Mint has - Through mostly her mothers side so far it is a 172

Bitter Mint –has three children with a mystery Kio
- Still Flower, Mystery, Carrot

Her parents are Barren Root and When the Rain comes
She has two sisters – Can Do and Color Blind
Her sisters have no children

She has three half siblings on her father’s side
-Dusk Star, Willows Weep, and Hardest Hearts

Willow’s Weep has four children
Creeping Dawn, Light of Day, Sea of Stars, and Dawn of Dreams

Her Grandparents on her mother’s side are Flower Pod and All Fall Down
Her grandmother had two more daughters
- Expecting to Fly and Waiting for Warmth are Bitter Mint’s aunts

Expecting to Fly has four children -
Burden of Proof, Flying Fish, Turtle’s Run, and Piercing Laugh are Bitter Mint’s first cousins

Burden of Proof has five children
Embervine, Cumbersome, Aster, Dreamscape, and Steal you Away – Bitter Mint’s first cousins once removed

All Fall Down has had five other mates besides Flower Pod

With Beetleshell
Bitter Harvest, Bleeding Fruit, Watches the Dead, Worm Wood – two aunts/ two uncles
Bitter Harvest has two litters with different does
Inferno, Rising Flames, Safeword, Weedgrass – first cousins
End it all, Extraction, Hivemind, Slumbering Stone, Suffering

Safeword has four children
Silkspun, Devil’s Claw, With your Consent, Sweet Gale – first cousins once removed

Silkspun has four children – Dark Intent, Croak, Venom Rush, and Nighthawk – first cousins trice removed

Venom Rush has four children –Talking flowers, Just Prevail, Firebird, Blossomforth - first cousins trice removed?

Blossomforth has five children – Growth in Light, Unearth, Friend to the Fallen, Safeguard, Kindred Spirit – first cousins four times removed?

Devil’s Claw has five children
Severed Spine, Pestilence, Vile, Envy thy Innocent, Purge the Weak – first cousins once removed

Pestilence has five children
-Pester, Life is Pain, Perish Song, Pox, and Scourge – first cousins twice removed

With your Consent has five Children
- Honey Chaser, Dirty Trick, Give Away, Beast, Wasp – first cousins once removed
They do not have children

Sweet Gale has three children
Wandering Wit, Earthsea, Swamp Trees – first cousins once removed
They do not have children

Inferno has three children – Perceptor, Seven Rise, and Ultramarine – first cousins once removed

Watches the dead has two litters with different Bucks
Caution Whistle, Everybody Knows, Reckless Call, Serpent Stung, Verdant Thread
Beetlewing, Chrysalis, Featherdrift, Pushing Daisies, Spidersilk, Webtangled – first cousins once removed

Reckless Call has four children
Many Waters, Dances with Light, Soft as a Feather, Forever Faithful – first cousins twice removed
They do not have children

Beetle Wing has three children
Torn Wing, Kiwi Pod, Canopy Beetle – first cousins twice removed

Spider Silk has two different litters by different bucks
Fever Pitch, Tranquility
Bright Ideas, Filament, Gilded Midnight, Marsh Marigold – twice removed
Filament has two different litters by different does
Take Heart, Shadowboxer, Rosethorn, Flawless – Three times removed
Light Up, Power Through, Sideways Down, Soft Scars, Unquiet Things

Sideways Down has five children
Abandon, All Hope, Disrepair, Heavy Burden, Impression – four times removed

Abandon has four children
Sea-Foams-Milk, Ninth circle, Sea-Foams-Blood, Milkdrunk
Sea-Foams-Milk has four children
Talking Flowers, Just Prevail, Firebird, Bloosomforth

- 140

With Everglade smoke
-Crocodile tears, Down Poison, Ever Falling, and Shatterfall – three uncles/ one aunt

Crocodile tears has children –Entrapment, Shed in Vain, Venture Forward – three cousins

Shed in Vain has three children – Don’t Cry, Trickle Down, and Grinning moon – three 1st cousins once remove
- They have no children

Down Poison has two litters with different does
Down through Mist, Seen through Ice, Smoke and Fog, Toxic Sky –first Cousins
Dream Poison – Eyes in the Night, Sun Shines Down – first cousins
- They have no children

With Breathes Frost-Fire
Bleeds Frost, Nosebleeds, Cold as Fire – two aunts and one uncle
-They have no children -

With Entangle
-Grave Touch, Tripwire, Uprooting the Willow –two uncles/ one aunt
-Trip wire has children – All Will Fall, Breatheturn, Daydreams in Blue, Snaptwig – four cousins
-her cousins have no children -

With Too Many Names
-Gathering Sunrise, Ladybird, Maybe Sprouts Wings, Naming the Star, Red Right Ankle – two aunts/ three uncles
- They have no children –