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At fist Liquorice wasn't sure if the nights spent with Black Soot had resulted in anything more then some fun. Little things she'd been able to pass off as just not feeling well, which she did to avoid getting her hopes up over nothing more then illness. But now she's sure, aside from feeling a bit nauseous and moody, her apatite has increased and her belly has started to grow. With hope of children growing there is also worry, what if they're sickly or or some predator finds them while she's forraging? So she's set off to find one of Her chosen, now while she still carries them in her belly, can still keep them safe with her.

She had asked around and learned there's a stag in this area and gone off looking for him. After several days, though, Liquorice is sure she's gotten lost, no sign of the stag or his clearing with a double pond. Taking a break to snack on some berries she ponders her options, keep on going and hope she meets the stag, or another like him, or try and find her way back and ask for a guide. The directions had been very clear, and she'd feel very silly having to admit she still managed to take a wrong turn somehow. Sighing she decides to just keep going and hope for the best. After an actual meal anyway, the berries only making her realize how hungry she is. This time when she moves along her main intent is forraging.

Not long before this Fish Bones had a similar idea, his belly growling at him as a reminder to eat. Stashing the weaving materials he'd been gathering away, to be picked up later, he'd gone in search of food. He'd just given up on the hope for bird eggs, which was silly to begin with at this season, and decided on berries and fish when he stumbled into a doe. From the looks of it her mind was in the same place, her head buried in a bush stripping a branch of leaves and fruit.

The same bush he was currently in, as fate would have it. Poking his head through the branches so he's nearly face to face with her, Fish Bones gives a smile. An odd sight as foxbuns nearly always look like they're smiling to begin with. Hello. No birds eggs, unfortunately. he greets her.

The sudden appearance of a fuzzy face startles Liquorice, with a gasp she backs out of the bush, then nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears a voice. Turning she looks around for the kin who'd spoken. Hello? Where are you? she asks.

Hopping from the bush Fish Bones gives her knee a light tap. Right here. he replies.

Liquorice looks down, not sure at first if the foxbun really is talking. Surely someone could train their pet to sneak up on a kin and then simply hide and do the talking, right? And then she notices the foxbun's eyes, glowing eyes. She's never heard of animals having glowing eyes, but she has heard that Matope's chosen can take animal forms. Kneeling down to be on eye level with the foxbun she inclines her head in a bow. Good day to you, Wise One. she says.

Fish Bones makes a tsking sound, leaning in to nuzzle her. No need to be formal, call me Fish Bones.

Surprised at both the display of affection and the dismissal of formality she stumbles over her reply, I'm uhh L-liquorice. N-nice to meet.. meet you. Then her mind catches up with the situation, why she's even here. Then another realization hits her, she'd forgotten a gift. Not everyone she'd spoken to said they'd needed to bring one, but she'd come to ask a favor, how could she have forgotten to bring a gift?

Hanging her head she says in a soft voice, I came to ask for a blessing.. but I forgot to bring you a token.. As she talks she blushes fiercely, giving her dark fur a pinkish tinge.

Giving her another nuzzle, gently patting her cheek with his paw Fish Bones thinks about this for a second. May your children be healthy and joyful. he says.

Thank you, thank you! She replies. But I've nothing to offer in return.. Liquorice adds, a bitter sweet tang to her voice.

Sitting back on his haunches Fish Bones regards her. If it means that much to you, there is something you can do for me. I collect stories, would you tell me the ones you grew up with? he asks, making certain she cannot perceive it as an order. Tradition or not, Fish Bones believes gifts should be freely offered, not given out of a sense of obligation.

Almost instantly her mood brightens, this is something she can do, very gladly. The stories from her childhood are some of her best memories, more so because it was time she and her family spent together then the stories themselves, though they were often looked forward to as well. I'd be happy to tell you my stories. she says.

Cuddling up against her Fish Bones smiles. Why thank you. he says, settling in to listen and memorize, hopefully, every word as Liquorice begins to speak.