As Ms. Mil finally complies the creature and described it's victims, Camilla couldn't help but grimace a bit... It sounded like quite a... Fierce thing...

Finally, once the creature was named and posted on that site, class was dismissed. She had to admit, she liked the idea of that site! Could she spread more Dormouse Monster Fear using it? Maybe create Dormouse minipets at the very least? It was a wonderfully curious and useful concept! While Camilla mused on this, her tail sways lightly as she stares thoughtfully at her phone screen. Thats why, she almost didn't notice the slip of paper that was slid in front of her as the Dragon ghoul bustled out! "A-ah wait T-" she exclaims in surprise as she looks up at the ghoul's retreating form. She was cut off from finishing it however as the ghoul rushed back! "Taika, what about l-" and she was cut off again as the ghoul rushed away!

For a long moment, the Dormouse ghoul just sat there in bewilderment while blinking owlishly... "That was... Curious..." she finally mumbles to herself as she stares at the door before pouting slightly... Why did Taika seem so flustered? Ah well... At least she got her skelly number... Camilla would have mused on her neighbor's strange behavior longer if not for AJ speaking up. "Hm?" she hums distractedly at first as her tail sways musingly. "Oh! That's cool! I'm going to bake lots of Halloween foods too!" she chirps cheerfully with a smile in response to his mention of Halloween's most major holiday and baking! "Heh, if you'd like a baking buddy, just ask!" she laughs but was quite honest. Baking was fun on it's own, but like most things, the Dormouse ghoul believed it was better with others!

As the mention of baking and parties drew her into holiday musings, the Dormouse ghoul somehow manages to see a blue blur nearly knock someone over out of the corner of her eye! She laughs to herself a bit before smiling as she watches him streak away! She was starting to wonder if that was a game cats played... See if you can trip someone by getting under them or crashing into them...

Soon after Carlos was out of sight, her attention returns back to the dragon boil. Her cheerful smile begins to fade a bit however, as she sees the bandages and noticed the familiar Bracelet around his wrist still... She had her's tucked away in her treasure trunk, but she was reluctant to actually put it on after what happen before... Frowning slightly, she waves a bit as the Dragon boil walks out the door... She wasn't all together sure how to feel about this Black Sands group... But, that was a thought for a different day. A rumble from her stomach reminded the Dormouse ghoul that it was almost lunch time! And so, with that she gathers her stuff up, and exits the class room before heading on her way back to her dorm.

Sheyenne Thunderstorm
Taika confuses Camilla, lol.

Baking buddies maybeish? :3

Carlos got mentioned, so I figure I'd quote ya! The great blue blur!