Titus wore a look that said he wasn't completely convinced this wasn't a trap of some sort. He stepped forward slowly, reached for the papers with a steady deliberate motion before carefully picking them up. He hadn't been seized yet by some unknown source so perhaps it would be alright.
Without a word he placed the logs in Zephron's hands. The signatures were at least all in order though the papers were a little crumpled, likely from frustration, and of course adorned with the doodles the gnomes felt the papers needed to give it some flare. Most of Titus' work had apparently been picking up trash around the campus and to his dismay working in the cafeteria but there were some other odd jobs of his community service that had him running around the school fixing things up and at least one strange signature from the MRTHATSFH which looked out of place along with the rest.
Titus went on the day zero adventure so I am certain he bribed for a signature of some sort because he is certain it counts.