Waking didn't like to think. He just plain didn't, thinking too much was a surefire way to get upset over things he couldn't change. He didn't like looking backwards either, looking backwards generally meant you ran into trees a lot more often than you really wanted to both metaphorically and literally. Still, sometimes it was one of those things you really couldn't help and unlike everything else you couldn't hoofstomp it out of your way or n** it on the flank. So in the early evening - worn out from navigating the relentlessly unstable swamp foliage - he thought.

He wasn't from the swamp, not really. Like, he was born here sure, but his heart, his heart and his hooves longed for something a little flatter, a little easier to run on. Other species were more nimble and more suited for the often marshy and dense land. His hooves hated it, it was unfriendly and if he was up to his hocks in wet mud too long his skin got sore and he got swollen joints.

Still there was the game to think about and that was what mattered, he wasn't sure who was winning right now, another thing he'd avoided thinking about, he had children out there, a few by now and surely they outnumbered how many sleep had managed? Even if he was winning in this respect, he wasn't winning when it came to fitness, though twins she was just plain faster and more quick witted than him, having determination and speed where he had grown into muscle and beard.

It didn't bother him too much though, he was very fond of his twin even if he'd never admit it to her and she kept him very much in the prime of his condition, if it wasn't for her he knew he'd much rather sleep all day with none of this crazy running around and getting scraped up. She was just plain his favourite and adventures with her were the ones he enjoyed the most. He had no idea if they'd ever stop and settle down somewhere or if they'd be nomadic forever, wandering through other people's territory like outlaws, but he did know one thing in an unshakable sort of way. They'd never be apart for long and wherever they ended up (or didn't) it'd be together. That was something he didn't mind thinking about at all, one of the few things in fact.

They were older now than they had been, fully grown up into impressive adults and sometimes he found himself wondering if as well as getting away with being really really fast and really strong if they'd get away with using those skills on other creatures. Could they beat others in fights? Could they win exciting things? He could not help but muse on it, the idea of himself decked out not only in his usual interesting sprigs of foliage but instead in all sorts of wonderful finds tickling him pink.

Perhaps he'd mention it to Sleep, see how she felt about it, after all neither of them were particularly /moral/ he thought, and they traveled very far and wide.

The worst she could say was no, and if she did they'd just find something else exciting to do or somewhere else exciting to go.