... And the whole blasted exchange was crowned with her taking the best of the lot. It settled itself onto her head like it had been riding on it all its life, bold as you please. Maple wasn't surprised by now. She wasn't even angry. Just irritated. But she didn't complain - she wouldn't complain. If the one could be civil on this last visit, so could the other. Anything to get this... this whippersnapper out of her hair again.

She escorted the younger doe to the edge of her brambles, revealing a safer path than she usually allowed visitors to find for the sake of expedience. "Safe travels," was all she said by means of farewell. She watched her unwelcome visitor leave, staring after her for a long time, until she was quite certain that she was long gone. Once she was well and truly alone again, her head dropped and she glowered impressively for an audience of none, muttering darkly, "I hope your stupid dragon eats it, you beastly wretch."