Ah, the name's Shade, but I'm not a stranger to new nicknames. I just normally go by the one I've had the longest. Some people just refer to me as Jojo or Kode nowadays tho.
I suppose I'm a little new to Undertale, only in regards to the fact I very recently finished True Pacifist, and probably won't be touching Genocide Route any time soon. (only because I nearly stopped playing because dying so often can really discourage you from playing a game any further....)

However, I still love the game, and it's thanks to my girlfriend and brother that I was able to get and play it. Top three favorite characters have to be Undyne, Napstablook and Mettaton. So far, I've cosplayed Human Napstablook at a convention in Texas, and sort of just managed to put together an Underswap Mettablook cosplay avatar. (However,I normally cosplay as everyone's favorite Airship owner, Cresento.)