Fiend and the pink one continued on their journey as the seasons turned and trees lost their foliage. Time was fluid and there was much joy to be had with each passing festival they came across or the kin they met. Like two different points converging briefly, each encounter energized the ghastly pair. And it was there they met another funky purple haired doe, Albatross.

Except Albatross wasn't even interested in Fiend. Belly hanging low, she paused, stared through the Stag and then with an impervious movement of her ridiculous hair, asked in an annoyed hush, "Do you mind moving?"

Stunned at the abrupt greeting, he shifted into compliance, startling birds nearby. Albatross growled. "You scared them off with your loud sounds." Fiend sideeyed Goosebumps at the wording. His slight shuffling did it, not his scary mien. Fiend was delighted! Visibly all but floating, he moved towards Albatross who had gone back to tracking birds in the sky. She did not notice his presence or if she did, she didn't comment on it for a fair amount of time. Noticing her obsession with bird tracking, the pair continued their journey with one final glance back to the purple pregnant doe.

May your offspring be just as intense with their fixations and love for life.