{ NOTICE: Each character is available for multiple role-plays. They are as-is, I will not change their roles to make them dominant or anything else. I role-play through messages only, forums are inconvenient and difficult to track. If you're interested in one of my characters, message with me your profile or questions. Do not post it in this threat. }

User Image
.: Name :.
. . . Elliot Lockhart.

.: Gender :.
. . . Male.

.: Age :.
. . . 24 Years Old.

.: Species :.
. . . Elven.

.: Sexuality :.
. . . Interested in Men.

.: Dom/Sub :.
. . . Submissive.

.: Personality :.
. . . Elliot is reserved and knows when to hold his tongue. Highly intelligent and coercive, he's perfectly capable of holding long conversations and behaving properly by nature. A lover of classical music who is skilled with several instruments himself, and enjoys hosting salons ( a high class gathering/party ).

User Image
.: Name :.
. . . Silas Lyon

.: Gender :.
. . . Male

.: Age :.
. . . Unknown.

.: Species :.
. . . Water Elemental.

.: Sexuality :.
. . . Interested in men.

.: Dom/Sub :.
. . . Submissive.

.: Personality :.
. . . Being clever and elusive is all apart of Silas's nature, with a tendency to avoid humans when he can. But his curiosity often gets the better of him and he can become hesitant when faced with something he's never seen before, and on occasion he's wandered into civilization. However, the more he adapts to being among humans, the more he changes. This has lead to a rather unstable emotional state as his newly developed humanity conflicts with his nature as an elemental.

User Image
.: Name :.
. . . Dashiell Soloman

.: Gender :.
. . . Male

.: Age :.
. . . 19 Years Old

.: Species :.
. . . Half-Demon.

.: Sexuality :.
. . . Interested in Men.

.: Dom/Sub :.
. . . Submissive, on his terms.

.: Personality :.
. . . Alone most of his life, Dashiell has learned to depend only on himself. He's abrasive and rarely allows anyone to get close on an emotional level. An outcast among both demons and humans, he has a tendency to pick fights with both. But get him in the right mood, a balance of irritation and angst, it will build to lust, due in part to his demonic half.

User Image
.: Name :.
. . . Lysander Ashvale

.: Gender :.
. . . Male

.: Age :.
. . . 20

.: Species :.
. . . Elven.

.: Sexuality :.
. . . Interested in Men.

.: Dom/Sub :.
. . . Submissive.

.: Personality :.
. . .With a tendency to grumpy at times, Lysander is otherwise well behaved and fairly angsty. The bedroom is his favorite place to be when he's bored or stressed, with company of course. He takes little pride in his elven nature since he was separated from them a young age.

User Image
.: Name :.
. . . Isaiah Blaire

.: Gender :.
. . . Male

.: Age :.
. . . 23

.: Species :.
. . . Human warlock.

.: Sexuality :.
. . . Interested in Men.

.: Dom/Sub :.
. . . Submissive.

.: Personality :.
. . . Isaiah tries to find peace and solace wherever he can, spending time in meditation and further honing his magic when he can. Born a Warlock, a natural user of dark magic, he does his best to stray from the malevolent stereotype that his kind have procured over the centuries. Using wit and charm, he's coerced his way out of unsavory situations in the past.

User Image
.: Name :.
. . . Jasper Kaine

.: Gender :.
. . . Male

.: Age :.
. . . 18 Years Old.

.: Species :.
. . . Human.

.: Sexuality :.
. . . Interested in men.

.: Dom/Sub :.
. . . Submissive.

.: Personality :.
. . . Abuse is all Jasper has known, his quiet and submissive personality instilled into him throughout his life. Due to this abuse, he flinches easily and he's quite tentative. He's obedient without question most of the time, there's not much that will drive him to fight back, but he has a tendency to panic easily if left alone.