Hello all~!

I've been a Gaian for almost 10 years now ((woah)) but have been pretty much MIA for the past 4. I'm looking to get back into roleplaying but I didn't know where to start since so much has changed since then....

I'm on Skype all the damn time and am far more likely to check that than anything else, but I'm going to test the waters here as well. Please feel free to send me PMs or message me on Skype, I'd love to hear from all of you heart My Skype name is aeipathy-- just send me a message saying who you are if you add me, otherwise I'll probably ignore it razz

For those of you who either don't know me or don't remember, I mostly do semi-lit rps with mostly seke characters. I almost exclusively do original characters, but will dabble in any and all genres. I'm comfortable with semes and ukes alike, and am comfortable taking multiple characters. I've got a couple vague plot ideas bouncing around my head at any given moment and will enthusiastically take on any cravings you might have. I hope to hear from you soon!

Infinite hugs,