Alright, so here's some info about me in case you're interested in role playing with me. I have been role playing just shy of about 8 years now and I am rather addicted to it. I have done many role-plays and I enjoy many genres and story lines. Which I'm pretty sure you do as well otherwise you wouldn't be here. Most of my friends are either people I have known on Gaia for while or people I role-played with so it's safe to say I'm a very friendly person and enjoy my time with the people I role-play with. I enjoy o.o.c conversation while role playing and random chatter and just getting to know my fellow role player. I love developed characters and story lines so if you ever have a story line you'd like to run by me don't be afraid to tell me because I love a juicy story. I am a fan of malexmale based love stories and that is mainly the only type of role-play I lean towards in most genre's. Though I do also enjoy heterosexual based story lines and perhaps am even willing to try femalexfemale but might have to really sell me on an amazing story line for that one. I have a very overactive imagination so I usually have story-lines and or plots available for disposal. So if you ever are at a loss if we're role playing feel free to just ask to brainstorm and I'm sure we can come up with something.

αcтιvɴeѕѕ, lιтerαcy αɴd poѕтιɴɢ

I live in the Mountain time area, and I'm on at least three to four times a week and usually for most of the day when I am on. My post range from three to five good paragraphs (7-9 sentences) per post. That being on a so-so day and depending on what my RP partner gives me. I am a literate to elite literate role player and writer, I'm also a frequent 'pretty poster' I love decorating layouts for my characters and their profiles. I find it makes the role-play more interesting to read and look at. But I'm not picky when it comes to my RP partners' and their posts as long as it has the name of their character and the picture. Just plain posting kind of drives me insane.


Most of my characters are male, though I do enjoy playing female characters as well. All my male characters are homosexual, I don't do hetero guys very well, probably because I am not one myself; go figure. My characters are also more to the submissive side in the relationship most of them anyway, I'm still working on the whole 'dominance' thing. Though I can play all types from the sweet and innocent to the completely masochistic and insane. I really have no preference when it comes to either of them. Though as of late I have been doing very well in the loony department and I have been enjoying it. Not saying I am enjoy being crazy -coughs- I just love conflicting characters. I find it more interesting for a role-play if our characters have conflicting personalities. I can't tell you how much it annoys me to see instant matches right off and the love at the first sight thing... I hate it with a fiery passion and will not do it. I think it will be good if our characters will have to work for it. I do 'Real' pics for my characters and prefer my rp partners do the same I'm not much for cross-breeding real and anime together, just think theirs more options to fit characters model and celebrity wise. But I also do Anime on occasion or realistic art photos, it's just takes a bit longer for me to get the feel of the RP and might take some convincing. Most of my characters are well thought out, but not so much so that I don't leave room for character development throughout the role-play.


I really am up for any type of role-play as long as it doesn't involve something too disturbing. I'm open for ideas and try not to shoot ideas down very often unless it's completely vulgar. I will admit I haven't done a lot of fan-fiction but if you have patients and explain to me what it is you'd like to do I would happily give it a shot. I also cannot work with anyone who does not give me at least two decent paragraphs (5-7 sentences) per post. I don't work with one-three liners. Meaning I can't, I've tried and my brain just stops functioning before I even read the post. I prefer forum posts over PM's but I will role-play over PM's if that's a deal breaker. ...

Those that have a * symbol next to them are ones I already have plots for, or an idea to discuss.

Addict x Dealer *
Murderer x Accomplice/Victim/Detective
Witch/Warlock x Witch Hunter/Human *
Elf x Any Race *
Human x Slenderman * (Ask for Details)
Teacher x Student (BDSM) *
Assassin x Assassin/Target
Preacher x Felon
Con-artist x Target/Con-artist
"Bonnie and Clyde" *


Obsessions Addict x Dealer

In life there are many stories; most of them have to do with overcoming life and finding love within a world that seems to be full of hatred, violence, lust, greed and war. Those are the stories that tend to get people’s attention because those stories actually give them the hope to believe that maybe they have a chance in this world. But what everyone comes to find soon enough is that those stories are only 'for the movies' and never within reach. In this world the only thing you can rely on is yourself and the will to survive; whatever the cost may be. [1] has been raised on that philosophy his entire life, growing up in the cut throat life in the upper north side in the high rent districts. He watched his parents fight tooth and nail to keep the illusion of a perfect life, ruining the lives of many so they could feel the clouds beneath their feet. [2] Had been raised in the same sense only his family went down a different path and it lead to even darker destinations. Fighting over scraps of food and working nights in seedy hotel rooms with questionable figures that left him feeling more empty then the room they’d left him in. Each one knew when they came into this world that fairy tales and stories of love and happiness were just as hopeless as a child’s chances of seeing Santa Claus come down a chimney on Christmas Eve. But there’s always that one present no one can explain, and when you do find love within this world would you choose to hold on to it or let it go? Maybe you might not recognize it at first sight like some may have you believe, but that just means it's worth fighting for.

[1] Is a secretly homosexual male that lives off the trust fund he inherited from his parents. He is also in the ranks of becoming one of the biggest lawyers in the city, he's also a frequent client of [2] and supplies the other with drugs for a discount on... 'services'. [2] Is a male prostitute, an ex-cocaine addict and [1] is his most common “John”. He is raising his two younger siblings and has made his prostitution a profession and uses only the profits he gets from selling his body to provide for his family. He only has a middle school education and therefore he thinks finding another job is out of the question.

[More coming]

The sound of a cooing c**k met his ear at the a** crack of dawn as it did every morning, this was nothing new. The night before on his families little farm house was much the same, as it had been the day before that, and the day before that. Nothing had really ever changed here in the little village, his people were a quiet bunch, not really taking much notice of modern society and the changes in development people went through. He would often see some of those outsiders pass through the forests within the lands branching around his village and wondered what their lives would be like. Certainly they were at least a bit more exciting then dealing with the vast amounts chores he was expected to get done within a day’s time frame. Not to mention the constant pressures to find a woman of his own, his father had been hounding him mercilessly about that. Going on and on about how he wasn't getting any younger and that a strapping young man needed a woman on his arm. Same old story, he couldn't imagine what the story would be if his father knew the truth of the matter, but that was yet another tired story. A groan left his flushed lips as he grabbed the nearest object and chucked it out his opened window, a smirk coming over his features as he heard the frantic shrieks of the chickens. He looked forward to the day those damned things would be on the chopping block, that meal he would definitely be sure to enjoy perhaps a little too much. His hatred for those dreaded feathered creatures aside, he know what the over sized nugget’s call meant. Rather reluctantly he hoisted his bare frame from his hand crafted hay bed and began with his daily duties, trying to convince himself that this was the life he wanted for himself.

The day passed as any other, feeding the still living poultry, tending to the pork’s, dogs and few cattle. He conversed with his mother and sisters who tended to the gardening while managing to avoid his father at all costs. As the sun reached its peak at high noon he grabbed his bow and arrow satchel tying it tightly over his left shoulder and under his right arm. His mother had mentioned many times in the passing days they had been running low on leather and needed some fresh hides. Plus their winter stocks still needed to be filled a bit more and his father hadn't gotten around to it yet, and while he preferred to leave the dirty work to him he was dying to get back out into the forest and away from the farm. He was hoping to come back empty handed but today seemed to be the day bucks came out to play, oddly enough he figured he’d eventually have to stop letting the poor things go and actually start doing some hunting like he was suppose to. But for now he was simply enjoying the sounds of the forest surrounding him, the crackle of the earth beneath his feet, the snap of twigs, the thump of rabbits hopping along and the chirp of the birds. His pointed ears giving a soft wiggled at each peaceful sound as a faint smile curled over his lips, although times he thought he’d prefer to interact with those in the outside world… the real truth was, an forest would do it was his nature. Granted it was another thing him as his father didn't share, like his desire to explore and find something more.

It was as though his thoughts were manifested within that moment as he walked deeper into the forest, one he’d traveled probably thousands of times only now to find a small room taking residence between two large withered oaks. His left brow quirked in a curious fashion as he drew closer to the foreign room, its door shut… but even so held an odd allure to it. Despite all he’d been taught about never opening a closed door, he couldn't resist as his hand outstretched and turned the knob one way and then the other. The gears within the door sounding before he stepped into the dimly lit room, it was fairly plain, though still unlike anything he’d ever seen before. The floors were smooth the walls matched all the same, he slowly sheathed his bow around his frame as he bent down rolling his bare fingertips along the surface in slight amazement. Surely whoever created this surface was a master blacksmith of some sort – or a sorcerer. The thought was slightly intimidating but either way he continued forward studying the contents until the surface of the table within the middle of the room. He couldn't help but be a bit skeptical of each, the room itself bewildered him a bit, but his curiosity got the better of his as he grabbed the bottle presented. Surely this must be the work of a sorcerer, he thought to himself, who else could create such things and would leave such ingredients? Of this he was certain, what he was still confused on was why he was raising the bottle to his lips. Well, his mind began again trying to rationalize his behavior, this magic user put this drink here next to treats so obviously he or she intended to drink it, so why not try a sip, maybe gain something from it, hmm?

He could probably convince himself of anything if given enough time, but honestly in his opinion he did prove a valid point. With that he made mock cheers to himself before downing the drink, a slow tingle beginning at his taste buds. It was beyond anything he’d ever had the pleasure of tasting within his existence; he waited a few moments to make sure there was no effects before giving a soft shrug and making his way back toward the door. His curiosity now satisfied and figured he should get back to his task at hand. But as he stepped back out the doorway it wasn't the comforting forest of home that he found… it was a world he’d only seen in something of his wildest dreams. The two suns beat down on his flesh as his emerald hues gazed out onto the horizon unable to believe what he was seeing within this place. His feet moved his body forward while his mind screamed at him to turn back, it was only as he began to focus that he noticed the big picture. The rather taunting welcoming sign, the rather frantic looking male holding a fainted female while in bit further down the path he could see another swooned female in long elegant robes… a royal no doubt, he thought to himself instantly from the look of her robes, with another smaller female slapping her face trying to get her attention. He felt a push at the ball of his foot as his body stumbled back, distracting himself from the chaos surrounding him as he looked down to see a rather irritated looking flower huff up at him angrily. “Pardon me.” He muttered only to feel silly for apologizing to a plant… what had been in that potion? Whatever it was, he knew that he wasn't in Estonia anymore and it seemed that he wasn't the only one who’d fallen prey to their own curiosities.Well, at least he didn't have to deal with the chickens tomorrow morning. ...

[Coming Soon]