Spirits had been off in his own little world (or more aptly he'd been off in the other worlds, conversing with those from beyond and had lost touch with pretty much everything. He made sure to eat (though not as much as he ought to), and to drink water. Sleep was an entirely different thing. He wasn't sure when he slept, or when he woke.

Dreams intermixed with reality and was sprinkled through with his visions. It made it difficult to ascertain if what he was seeing however fuzzy though it may be was real or not. Even with his snake hanging around his neck as if some sort of vivid living scarf, it was hard to tell fact from fiction.

Today though he was amazingly firmly grounded in the here and now. He had gotten better at his meditations and such but still, he knew his brother was better at such things. Maybe speaking with him, picking his brain a bit would give him some insights and ideas. Maybe. It couldn't hurt in any case he figured. So now, it was just a matter of locating his sometimes elusive sibling.

Moonstone Dazzle
Sorry I suck at starting rp quickly.