Morch is over and it is now April 1st. So happy birthday to you Rooster Teeth!!! You're a TEEN now '0'
And of course, happy Rooster Teeth International Community Day to you! Yes YOU! All of you wonderful people! Even all those who aren't reading this^^
Whoever you are, whatever your age, wherever you may be, and even whenever it is you read this, whether it's next week or years in the future or even the past (how is that possible o.0 if your reading this in the past that's amazing and also a bit scary) it doesn't matter. I just hope you've enjoyed your time watching RT's content and that you will continue to laugh, learn, love, be happy, be amazed, be confused, go awwww~, get spooked, get faced, get angry, go crazy, cringe, cry, die a little inside, and most importantly smile for years to come. (Because that's what Mr.Rogers and Bob Ross would want for you)

Happy RTICD Guild ~