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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:30 am
"Yeah, it's cool, we got this," Taavi added, directing his words at Abel but keeping his eyes on the Scyther. "I don't like seeing anyone hurt that's all," he continued to the bug type. "And Vanessa just ran away, you scared her! There are more of us nearby but none of us want to hurt you okay? I've got some items with me that can help you if you'll let me come over? Strikes the Sky is a cool name, how did you get it?" When the Scyther didn't make any further aggressive moves Taavi set his pail of berries down on the ground and slowly fetched a compact potion out of one of his belt pouches, she'd need more help than just that but it would be a start.

The blue Scyther watched warily as the human approached her holding an object she didn't recognise. <> she demanded, raising a claw again, just to keep him at arms length. She then turned to the Mareep, still looking somewhat suspicious. <>

"Alright, see?" Taavi sprayed a tiny squirt on the back of his hand. "It's safe, can I use it on you now?"

<<...Very well.>> The bleeding hadn't stopped, if she didn't accept the human's help she wouldn't last long. <> she continued as the human drew closer, resisting the urge to lash out at him. <>

"That sounds impressive!" Taavi smiled as he sprayed little squirts of the potion onto the worst injuries, the bleeding stopped almost immediately but the wounds still looked ugly. "See, better right?" he smiled, stepping back out of the Scyther's personal space. "I've got a couple more in my bag but really you could do with going to a pokemon centre... would you consider coming with me? Once you're healed I can bring you back here and you can get on with your life." Taavi looked down at Tabitha for backup, he didn't understand what she was saying but he was pretty sure he could count on her to add something reassuring.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:29 pm
Seeing as he could do little else besides wait for the moment - he didn't know if slowly heading towards Taavi would aggravate the Scyther or not, and he didn't want to make the situation any worse - Abel remained standing in place with Vanessa, his gaze focused on the aggressive bug-type.

Tabitha waited patiently while Taavi spoke to and interacted with the injured Pokemon, still sitting on the grass, and when he ended with his question she opted to continue along that same vein. she said, glancing over the Scyther's injuries again.  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:45 pm
The Scyther gave the Mareep a sceptical look which she then transferred to the human for some moments before turning back to the electric type, even if the human understood her speaking to it felt unnatural. <> It seemed as though she had little choice and if the human didn't release her as it promised.... She would deal with that if it came to it but perhaps it would not, the group had been honest with her so far. <> she decided aloud, turning back to the human with a slight nod. After a few moments she added; <>

Taavi relaxed a little more when the bug type gave her agreement; if she hadn't he would have had to capture her by force and that wouldn't have been fun for anyone, plus she might have tried to shred him when he released her back here. "Okay, I'll need to put you in a pokeball then. Do you know what one of those is?"

The Scyther nodded. <> She didn't know a lot about captive pokemon but the life seemed to suit some from what she did gather.

"Okay, great, thank you," Taavi smiled encouragingly at the Scyther - Sky, would she mind being called Sky? - and reached slowly into one of his pouches to retrieve an empty pokeball. "This is a pokeball, ah, I just need to throw it at you and it'll draw you inside. It might feel a little weird at first but try to relax okay?" Once he got a nod of assent Taavi tossed the sphere gently forward and the Scyther disappeared inside. The ball landed in the grass with a light thump, wriggled twice, and then fell still. "Phew," Taavi gave a sigh of relief and walked over to pick the pokeball up before turning to Abel and the others with a wry smile. "Um, well that... happened. Are you okay Vanessa?...." Vanessa, the normal type. And he'd just been talking to a bug and flying type. That was... that was not supposed to happen.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:02 pm
When the injured Scyther vanished into the pokeball and stayed there, Abel and all his pokemon visibly relaxed - except for Vanessa, who continued to hide behind her trainer. "Vanessa's okay," he affirmed for Taavi's benefit as well as for Vanessa's, to reaffirm that yes, she was okay. With the threat gone, his priorities shifted from defense to support without missing a beat. "What about you, are you okay? Tabitha?"

The named Mareep pushed herself back to her feet before she trotted out from behind the bush and back towards her trainer. Since she was obviously fine, the blond focused his attention - and his concern - on his friend.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:11 pm
Okay, yes, but still scared. Just when they'd been having a nice day and she'd been enjoying herself- But it wasn't the Scyrther's fault, she'd been hurt and he could only assume scared as well. It didn't make spoiling the day suck any less but on the other hand he was very glad they'd been here to help, the Scyther might not have made it otherwise.

"Um, I'm sorry to cut this short but I should really get her to a pokemon centre," Taavi said with an apologetic smile to Abel. "We did get quite a lot of berries though! We can definitely do something with what we have.... Ah... and.... That was pretty weird though. I understood the Scyther, but I can understand Vanessa too? I've never heard of The Egg allowing people to understand more than one type before." If it had happened he would definitely have heard about it! Unless whoever it was didn't tell anyone of course but who wouldn't?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:53 pm
"Yeah, I agree," the blond said with a brief nod; the Scyther didn't look too good from what he could see, and he could only imagine what he hadn't seen from behind the bushes. Getting to the nearest pokemon center was the best course of action, even if it did cut short their peaceful excursion. Damn, and it was so nice too... Oh well, there wasn't anything for it.

With that thought in mind, the blond bent down to retrieve the various pails and bucket to consolidate them; Sonia trotted forward to aid him in his endeavor. "We did, yeah," Abel agreed as he worked quickly, eying the berries as they filled the bucket. Not as many as they could've picked, of course, but they'd still gotten a fair amount. Taavi's words caught his attention though, and made him think back to the exchange he'd only heard half of. "I didn't catch that before," he admitted with a frown - he'd been rather preoccupied worrying over the safety of his friend and his Mareep at the time to notice that detail - and hummed a bit as he picked up the berry bucket to carry it back towards the lake so they could retrieve the rest of their pokemon. "I wonder why that is... Maybe it does, and it just hasn't happened before now?" Not that he'd heard of any such thing occurring, but it was possible.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:47 am
"I guess?" Taavi replied, sounding confused with an edge of excitement as he turned to head back towards the clearing. "I just... well we could ask at the pokemon centre right?" It was impossible to ignore that it had happened, but he hadn't heard of it happening to anyone else. Why would it happen to him seemingly first, or among the first, after he'd been made to wait so long to begin with.

A new thought abruptly barged others out of the way and Taavi shot Abel a grin. "But hey! I can't wait to surprise Valour!" This was going to be awesome! Bugs or flying, and normal types... and other types? Maybe? Not electric, dark, fire, any of the types they'd been walking around with since he'd heard Vanessa but maybe others?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:48 pm
As they walked back, Sonia hastened to Abel's side to take a few of the pails from him to help out and, once one of his hands was free, the blond pulled out Caleb's pokeball to recall him. "That sounds like a good idea, maybe they might've heard about it happening to anyone else," he suggested as one by one he returned his pokemon to their balls, all except Sonia. Taavi's excitement earned him a grin. "Right? That's so awesome - normal and bug. That's so great, man."  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:56 pm
Taavi grinned and nodded. "Right? I... I don't know why or how or- but it would be normal and, um, either bug or flying. I won't be able to tell from talking to Valour but I will by talking to a mixed type somewhere! I didn't think that was possible! And I know I said that already! I'm just really excited!"

As they stepped back into the huge clearing by the lake Taavi raised his thumb and forefinger to his lips and gave a piercing whistle before looking skyward and waving. "We'll have to come back here," he said as he looked back at Abel. "This is clearly a great place for berries and, um, it'd be nice for a cook out or a picnic or something!" Maybe if they kept coming back here he could get to know the Scyther too, he hadn't really developed relationships with any wild pokemon in Kodo so far.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:55 am
"Oh, would it?" Abel queried, thinking back to the Scyther. It was definitely a bug, but could it fly too? He wouldn't be surprised. "Scyther are bug and flying? But still, that's awesome," the blond repeated with feeling. If anyone could appreciate understanding two types, it'd be Taavi for sure. With all of his pokemon returned and their pokeballs put away, the blond shifted the pails and bucket in his arms while Sonia followed along with a few more of the pails, though both kept a keen watch for the Braviary. How surprised would he be?  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:10 pm
"Yeah that's right," Taavi confirmed with a nod, "and when they evolve they become bug and steel type- ooh, here he comes!" As Valour came into land Taavi grinned hugely and walked over to give his ruff a preen with his fingers. "Heeey there Valour, sorry to cut things short but we need to take a Scyther we found to a pokemon centre. How was your flight?"

Valour gave Taavi a slightly bemused look. <> he squawked and bobbed his head in a nod.

Taavi stared at his avian friend in confusion. He hadn't... that had sounded the same as it always had. "Um... say again?"

Valour tilted his head to the side. <> he nodded again; good, affirmative.

"I... Don't understand." Taavi turned to Abel with a slightly worried expression. "I don't understand," he repeated. He then realised that some explanation was in order and turned back to Valour. "I heard Vanessa, I understood her, so I should be able to understand you! But I understood the Scyther too, but I don't understand you- I- what's going on? It's not supposed to happen like this is it? Can I just understand random individual pokemon or something?" That would be weird and... he couldn't understand Valour. Taavi gave a weak, not very happy looking smile and reached up to give Valour's ruff another stroke. "Sorry. I... I'd got all excited for being able to have a conversation with you but I guess that's not going to happen after all."
PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:34 pm
When Valour descended, Abel simply nodded his head and decided against replying so that Taavi could focus on his feathered friend instead, so the blond merely stood waiting nearby, hands in his pockets, a soft smile on his face as he watched.

The smile faded in short order, replaced by a perplexed frown. Taavi could understand Vanessa and the Scyther - normal and bug or flying - but he couldn't understand Valour, who was normal and flying. Process of elimination suggested bug, but that didn't make any sense; Vanessa wasn't a bug. "That's... really weird," he agreed as he tried to puzzle it out as well. What was going on?

Trying to figure it out took a backseat as he recognized his friend's quiet distress, so Abel stepped forward to put a reassuring hand to Taavi's shoulder. "I know you were excited to be able to understand him," he began hesitantly as he tried to choose his words carefully, "but with how close you two are, you don't really need to understand every word he says to know what he's saying, yeah? How about we ask around at the pokemon center still, and see if anyone else knows anything about this sort of thing? Maybe it's happened to other people." Was that okay? He hoped so; the last thing he wanted to do was upset his friend further, but this was kind of completely new territory and he wasn't sure where the safe places to tread were.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:43 pm
All this time he'd been waiting for it to happen part of him had hoped that he'd end up with normal or flying type, he'd tried not to - so as not to be ungrateful, presumptuous, or to get his hopes up - but it had been there in the back of his mind and then he'd thought it had happened but now....

Taavi sighed and reached up to clap his hand briefly on to of Abel's, the strained smile fading from his face and actually leaving him looking happier for it. It would have been good, really good, but Abel was right. "I know," he said aloud with a nod, "like you and Isaac right? It just- eh, it sucks to think something's happened but then it hasn't. It's okay though, thanks for," he gestured vaguely, "you know. And yeah that would be good, um, I'd like to know what's going on with this and we should get going anyway; I don't want to keep Strikes the Sky waiting."

Valour squawked agreement and lent over to give Taavi's hair an affectionate preen. Taavi smiled again a bit happier this time, he did understand even if he didn't understand.

"You too buddy," he said, giving Valour another scratch before heading down to the lake to collect the other pokemon.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:46 pm
"Exactly," Abel agreed with a nod, glad that Taavi got the point, at least. Truthfully he'd been a bit worried that he wouldn't, "and I know what you mean." As Taavi headed off to gather his other pokemon, the blond followed along to collect Elizabeth as well so they could head back into the city to try and figure out just what was going on.  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


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