A day after getting his beloved Espeon back, Abel realized he had a short list of people to contact that would be interested in hearing the news. First was, of course, his mother, who he wasted no time in calling up to talk to for quite a while. Once that call ended, he went further on down his short mental list - containing not even half a dozen names in total - before arriving at Tymiko's name. "Distance'll be happy to know you're back safe and sound," Abel told his Espeon as he stroked the psychic-type's large ears with one hand and held his phone in the other as he typed out a brief text to the young lady. He didn't want her - or Distance - to worry any longer than they already had, especially when such worry was unnecessary now.

Good news, the text message read, I got Isaac back yesterday, he's okay.

Well, as okay as possible; the Espeon was still thin, but he was alive and home in one piece. That was all the blond had dared hope for.