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Danced = #8C005E // Wax = teal // Wane = teal

Danced had first seen the twins while out hunting, caught a glimpse of them through the thick bushes. She knew then and there she wanted them, in whatever way they'd have her.

She stuck around for weeks watching them, seeing what exactly they were doing, wondering what they could possibly want the items for they're collecting. Shells, stones, bones, berries, flowers, any odd bit that looked pretty and many that didn't but must have some use for them to spend long hours gathering them.

Danced didn't think to follow them home until one day she found a small, very blue, stone. Instead of approaching them, still afraid they'd have no interest in her, Danced followed them home. It wasn't until they slept that she crept close enough to set the stone in with the rest of their treasures.

While she waited for nightfall she watched, and learned what it is they do with their baubles. Some go into large shells of water, set where they can absorb the most sunlight. In these the twins sort many types of plants, before carefully setting bones, stones, shells and even feathers into them. Eventually these are fished out and painted, bits of flowers and such added to make them unique. The twins chattering to each other as they work, charms are what they're making.

Delighted, Danced went off in search of the most beautiful items she could find. She spent long days gathering them, searching high and low for any item she thought the twins would like. She stored them in shells, borrowed from the twins large collection, hidden not too far from thier home.

Once she had a large supply of of items, Danced waited for the twins to sleep. Then, as quietly as she could, she brought the shells into the twins little clearing. Once each one was there, Danced arranged them around herself, and settled in to greet the twins when they woke. Surely they'd take her along with all this treasure too? She waits, nervous and excited and hopeful.