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Jagged Bones = #6c9687 // Fish Bones = darkcyan

Jagged Bones was out hunting, not for food but for a furry little creature.. or three.. or four. Honestly as many as he could round up. Possibly a nest of them, a mother and babies to bring back to Pure Morning. Sure they had the rox pups, but there were only three, and Jagged Bones has no idea what the average clutch size is. He wanted their children to each have their own pet. Preferably young enough that kids and animals could grow up together.

So it is he's nosing through and around every tree and bush. Observing nest after nest, looking for not only the right animal but the right number. And though he's doing his best to be quiet, Jagged Bones isn't a small kin, each search causing a small ruckus.

Fish Bones had given up trying to nap when the buck landed, with a loud thud, part jumping and part falling from one tree, and went rather delicately into a bush. The buck seemed to be searching for something, and curious Fish Bones watched him. By mid day the stag realized this buck wasn't looking for a kin, he was either really very interested in wildlife nesting habits, or he was looking for a specific kind of animal to tame. Perhaps both, Fish Bones thinks. Deciding he'd like to know, Fish Bones steps into view and addresses the buck. "Would you like some help?"

Jagged Bones was indeed curious about nesting habits, all things surrounding life and death interested him. And though he was here for pets, he didn't let the opportunity to study each nest and baby go to waste. Hearing a voice behind him, Jagged Bones backs out of the bush, glancing at the kin who'd spoken. Whatever he was about to say went right out of mind, standing there in the small clearing was a stag.

Jagged Bones has little idea how one is supposed to treat one of the MotherFather's chosen, his uncle being the only legendary he'd met. And he doubts family familiarity would do. He starts to bow, only to realize he has no idea what leg is supposed to curl under him and which to extend out. At the last moment he changes to bowing just his head, causing a rather jerky movement.

"Yes sir, I would." Jagged Bones answers, his tone at least the epitome of polite. He's about to explain what exactly it is he's up to when realization dawns on him. "Oh! Yes, sir if it please you, I am soon to be a father and.. well, I want to be sure they'll be well and happy and safe and good.." only needing to draw breath stops him from listing every tiny thing he wants for his children, a slight blush coloring his cheeks when he realizes how much babbling he'd done. "I.. have nothing.. to offer.." Jagged Bones admits, his blush deepening.

"Oh psshaw! I need nothing in return, it is a joy to pass on Her blessing." Fish Bones replies, giving the other a friendly smile. "May your children be as filled with curiosity as you!" Fish Bones says, his smile taking on a more fatherly feel.

Jagged Bones nods, giving a thankful smile as the stag answers his worry. A small sigh of relief when the blessing is done, he must get back to Pure Morning and tell her, he thinks. "Thank you, sir." he replies, bowing again.

"If you ever need anything, I live in the garden of the Outliers." Jagged Bones tells the stag, turning to make his way back to Pure Morning.

"Hehe, I'll remember. Have a good afternoon!" Fish Bones replies, turning to have his nap now that things'll be quiet again.

"You too!" Jagged Bones calls over his shoulder, all thoughts of fluffy critters gone from his mind.