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It's a dark night when she ventures, with brazen steps, past the edge of the territory she calls her own. There are whispers about how it is forbidden to be there, about how death and destruction await those who are caught, about the cruel doe who resides there. It's all very amusing really. It's as if they never met a villain before. In a sense they haven't, no one knows what the evil doe looks like--or none do who would or could tell--and so she fears nothing as she walks out to stretch her legs and search for a new creature to play with.

There's a humidity in the air that promises thunderstorms as she breaks into a clearing lit with moonlight reflecting on a glistening pond. A dip might be refreshing and so she glides into the water with a silence that is almost eerie. She sinks into the warm water like a crocodile, a predator waiting prey.