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They arrived at The Mothers Club in a group, with the pregnant doe in the center, all full of soft smiles and joy. Peep met them, fussed a bit before leading them into the shade and offering them all something to eat and a place to stay until the birth.

“No, thank you,” Locust replied, her belly just starting to show. “It is lovely here but I have somewhere else in mind.”

Peep nodded in understanding. With the support of her family, she doubted the new mother would have a hard time with the birth or anything afterwards. “Of course. If you need my assistance at any time, you need only call for me.”

Of course they were here for a reason and it hardly needed to be spelled out, though one buck, Plague, seemed to have the request on the tip of his tongue and kept glancing anxiously at the others. Peep stilled him with a smile and settled herself on the ground.

Locust came to rest at her side and slowly the other three followed.

She felt the warmth of them, the ties of love that bound them, their family unit a powerful bond that would last down the generations. “Your children will be strong and kind,” she told them all, “and they will find comfort with their family and pass that onto others.” Peep gave them her very best, full of gratitude for the love she knew these new lives would receive.

“That is lovely,” the older doe commented. Take Root smiled and nudged Buried Alive’s side. “Don’t you think?”

“Of course.” Buried Alive turned his sightless face unerringly towards Peep. “Thank you, Peep.”

“You are very welcome.” Peep’s nose wrinkled with pleasure. “Please do come and visit once they are old enough to travel. I would love to meet them all.”

“We will!” Plague piped up. “We’re very grateful for your help.” He pressed his nose into his daughter's cheek and made gave a happy sigh. “I’m going to be the best grandfather I can be.” His daughter was still so young, it almost felt strange for her to be having children but he couldn’t deny his excitement.

Locust laughed softly. “You are a great father, you will also make a great grandfather.”

Plague glowed with pride.

They talked for half the day, idle conversation interspersed with Peep’s advice for an easy birth. When Fierce Love arrived to inform Peep that her skills were required elsewhere, she bid them all a fond goodbye and extracted another promise to return someday.

“Are their songs for giving birth?” Locust asked the two elders as they left.

“Oh certainly,” Take Root replied. Beside her Buried Alive hummed softly under his breath, an old tune that was passed down the generations. “It is always a joyous time. Down in the caves, you would sing for days to welcome new sacs and give the mother strength.”

“It sounds nice,” Plague murmured. “Did you sing for me as well?”

Buried Alive nodded. “I have sung for all my family, even when I was not there, I knew it would reach them. That is our bond.”

“I’m so happy I get to make our family grow even bigger,” Locust told them all, head lifted proudly. The new life stirring in her belly would be loved and adored. She was looking forward to meeting them so very much.