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#76EEC6 // darkcyan

Dancing Spider had been disappointed. Nearly a year of trying and still he had no spiders. And then he met a pretty acha doe, Leaper. It took a little longer than he'd thought, how hard could it be to get pregnant? But finally she was expecting, and he had a new task, for the moment. To find one of Matope's chosen and ask for a blessing. After all, he had big plans for their children and did not want any of them to come to harm. And what better way to secure their future than begging a favor from a legendary?

And to be sure he would not be refused, Dancing Spider had brought a gift. That's how it works, right? Give a gift, and get a blessing? At least that's what he had been told. So he'd spent days searching, and finally had found something just right. An egg sized stone, polished smooth from years submerged in a river, and banded trough with many colors. Now he just needed to find the proper kin.

Even that didn't take long. As luck would have it, he met a kin at the river who knew of a legendary. A pebbly old stag who spent most of his time gathering materials. The kin gave him directions, and a warning that the stag might not look like a stag. Dancing Spider puzzled over that as he thanked the kin and started off. How does one not look like what they are?

After days of walking he was about to give up. The stranger had said the stag lives in this area, but Dancing Spider had seen no sign of a stag or a home territory. And now he couldn't even find the same patch of river again, so finding the stranger to ask where he went wrong was out of the question. He sat down, considering his options, stay and keep looking or leave and hope to find another chosen somewhere else?

That's when he noticed a pair of small eyes watching him. Eyes that glow. Eyes that belong to a foxbun. Foxbuns don't have glowing eyes.. do they? He wonders. Surely only kin eyes glow? He sets the stone down at his feet, looking closely at the foxbun, "Hello?"

Hello. Fish Bones thinks aloud, waving a paw at the buck.

Dancing Spider blinks. This is not what he expected. A talking? foxbun. Or a voice in his head? With no one else around its not like he could ask if they herd. He supposed he could around the foxbun. But that would mean admitting he has no idea what's going on. And just in case knowledge is considered a blessing, he would rather not waste it. And the Stanger had warned him, so surely this must be the stag, and not just a weird bun. "I'm expecting children and I thought, perhaps you could help? I didn't come begging, I brought a gift for you." he gently nudges the stone forward.

Fish Bones smiles, nodding at the request, giving the stone a look before hopping forward. Nose to nose with the Kiokote, Fish Bones pats Dancing Spider's cheek May your children be full of fortune. he sends, judging by the gift he thinks this is appropriate.

Dancing Spider is ecstatic, so excited he gives Fish Bones a kiss, he'd have simply hugged him but didn't think squishing an elder would be a good omen. "Thank you! Thank you! I have great plans for my children and I'm sure we will be an absolute success, thanks all to you! Have a great day!" he nearly dances in his excitement, only just remembering to keep an eye on foxbun-stag. "I do hope you like the gift! I've got to go now, find Leaper and tell her. Thank you again!" he says, turning and hurrying off.

The gift is lovely, thank you. I am glad to help. Fish Bones sends, grinning as he watches the buck leave. Carefully he picks up the stone and hops off.