Riyak Contry Silver

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                                    ╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

                                          --- STRENGTH
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - CONSTITUTION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          ----- AGILITY
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - INTELLIGENCE
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - PERSUASION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

                                    ╫ C O R E ╫

                                          *NAME ▬ Riyak Contry Silver
                                          *AGE ▬ 10, appears 20
                                          *FACTION ▬ Independent
                                          NICKNAME ▬ None yet
                                          *SEX ▬ Male
                                          *SPECIES ▬ Lycanoid, this speices may also be considered were humanoids, which may sound pointless up front, while there may be no dramatic transformation, when emotionally aggravated, or in the presence of lunar rays or gold a Lycanoid's eyes glow red and their physical power increases, thouugh when in the presence of gold they become easily controlable
                                          ORIENTATION ▬ Straight
                                          OCCUPATION ▬ Traveler
                                          PARTNER(S) ▬ N/A

                              ╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

                                    HAIR ▬ Blond
                                    CLOTHING ▬ In the img, he has multiple of the same
                                    ACCESSORIES ▬ None
                                    *HEIGHT ▬ 6'00
                                    *WEIGHT ▬ 160 lbs
                                    EYES ▬ brown, red when in Lycanoid form
                                    BUILD ▬ muscular athletic
                                    TATTOOS ▬ zero
                                    SCARS ▬ several on the arms and across the back

                        ╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

                              ▬ carving
                              ▬ a general good feel about a person
                              ▬ Pork
                              ▬ chains
                              ▬ wolves
                              ▬ People too anxious to fight
                              ▬ spicy food
                              ▬ Gold
                              ▬ Sharks
                              ▬ Gold, it disrupts a lycanoids mental state, in larger amounts it can break down a lycanoid mentally and make them completely obedient to whomever is closest to the gold
                              PERSONALITY TRAITS
                              ▬ Fairly stable, though if pushed to far, or certain conditions are met he will break down either violently, or will become entirely placate and will obey almost any order
                              ▬ None really
                              ▬ While he has no really definable accent, when he breaks down into his lycan mode he only speaks a old language passed through his race
                              ▬ Riyak is a very protective individual, he will put his life on the line for someone he just met
                              ▬ Despite this when e blows his top his temper knows no bounds, to the point where everything else fades away
                              SKILLS & TALENTS
                              ▬ Riyak is quite strong mainly due to his lycanoid lineage. While powerful on his own his strength easily doubles when he enters his Lycan state his speed also increases in this state. brute force is his main specialty
                              ▬ Riyak can Manifest his life force, or aura as one may call it when he activates his aura he can manipulate it to increase his durability or physical strength. Using his aura he can also launch attack of concentrated aura at his foes
                              ▬ His greatest talent is both his bgreatest strength and deadliest curse, that would be his ability to enter his lycanoid state, this increases his physical abilites to the point where he doesn't even seem like the same person, how ever when entering this state he losses sanity, or is being manipulated by another
                              ▬ His strongest ability would have to be raw strength when he enters his lycan state, though this is his most dangerous talent as well as when he enters the state he's either insane or under the influence of someone else. He is also bound by several chains because of this, these chains dampen his lycanoid state and if he goes too far out of control it will knock him unconcious
                              ▬ While he is strong and fast, complex maneuvers are often beyond him, his attacks are usually simply brute force, so one can out think him they will have the definite edge

                  ╫ H I S T O R Y ╫


            Kiyak was born into a normal eleven family and under normal circumstances he would have been eleven, but the night he was born a one in a million chance event happened that altered his physical body to the point that there was no trace of elf within his blood. What happened was several things that on their own were exceedingly rare, all coming together in a near impossible circumstance. The first was the night, it was a blood moon that night, the moon in the sky was dyed deep red, the second was Kiyak's time of birth, exactly midnight, not a millisecond before or after, it was exactly midnight when he was born. Finally the third thing was the families location, Kiyak's family were travelers and barely ever settled down any where for too long, but the area where Kiyak was born was directly over top what was a massive vein of gold. With these three conditions met, the timing and aura of the bloody moon altered the child born that night, while he resembled a humanoid, he was not, a more accurate description was that he was a monster, a beast masquerading as a child. Under the blood moons influence and the gold presence the child aged rapidly within the first hour, he resembled a seven year old. His family didn't know of what their child was, or what was happening, but after that first hour it was clear their son was not what they had imagined, as with blood red eyes that resembled the moon out that night, he killed his mother in a single stroke. The child had access to the strength of a lycanoid, making him strong enough to easily kill his parents, with the blood moon and gold messing with his head he killed his whole family then and there.

            After he had killed his family the child began roaming the nearby area, the only thought in his head was to kill, he was furious, but he didn't why, he wanted to kill but he didn't know what. All of it meant he was left roaming the field with a great desire to kill. However, other than a few wild animals, his bloodlust went unsatiated as when the blood moon set and the sun began to rise, the child's eyes reverted to normal and he collapsed in the field unconscious right around the corpse of a wild boar. The next day he was found by an elf who was wandering around the area. The elf brought him home and began tending to the kids wounds. The elf was amazed that a kid this size appeared to have killed a wild boar without much injury, though he didn't know the real story. Upon the child's awakening the elf noted something odd, the boy didn't know how to speak, he barely seemed able to walk, this sent up warning bells, there had been nobody else around where he found the boy, other than that dead boar, the boy had been soaked in blood though. Suddenly a thought crossed him of an old legend, one that revolved around the blood moon like the one the night before. At that time he knew there was only one way to determine what the child was. He strung his bow and shot at the boy, whom caught the arrow out of the air an inch in front of his glowing red eyes.

            five years past the elf that had found him was continuing to raise him as one of his own, though, there was another motive to him raising the child. First off he wasn't a normal elf, the one that Riyak would come to call father was a scholar who happened to be in the area to visit family, and Riyak's existence was the stuff of fairy tail. As a scholar the chance to study a real lycanoid was too good to pass up, thus he took the child in and raised him as his own. The first shocking observation, was that he was no more than an infant when he was found, which was shocking, five years later he looked like and had the mental capacity of a ten year old. next was that his physical strength was through the roof, especially when he entered his lycanoid state, it was to the point that Riyak was fitted with chains to hold back his true strength. It was also apparent that gold effected him greatly to the point where he could be controlled with it. Such information and more, was shared among his peers who were astounded at his findings many would visit just to see Riyak, but it wasn't long before tragedy struck again.

            All of the man's bragging over his adopted son attracted the wrong attention rather quickly. A incredibly powerful child who could be controlled easily to those who were interested, the boy was a perfect assassin. Soon one of these men visited, claiming he wanted to see the lycanoid himself. When he arrived, Riyak's father was out for a few leaving the man alone with the boy for a little while. As soon as the man was near Riyak, the effect of the gold was immediately seen as the boy's eyes went blood red almost instantly, however the man had underestimated the amount of gold needed to fully control Riyak, rather he caused Riyak to enter a state of rage, like the day he was found. However the man did account for the possibility of a fight and as such he made sure to have his own body guards with him. The two fought Riyak tooth and nail, and while the boy did fight like a demon, he lacked his true power to kill the men he was fighting as the chains on his arm prevented him from accessing all of his power. By the time his father was back they had broken the boy entirely and removed his chains. The man thought it fun to see if Riyak would kill his own father if ordered to while under his control so that was his first target. Despite his fathers pleas for him to stop and resist Riyak removed his heart, though tears streamed down his face as he did.

            It was expensive to accommodate the boy but eventually they made him a room surrounded by gold to keep him from leaving when he wasn't working. They also created gold clothing and collars so they could keep the control over him when he left to do a mission and for the next three years Riyak was a child assassin killing whom ever got in his masters way.

            Riyak eventually escaped though, while the man knew how to control him, he did not know of Riyak's physiology that came to bite him when, on a certain night the sky was illuminated red with a bloody moon. Riyak went crazy, the gold no longer controlled him but rather fueled the fire of his rage. Riyak killed everyone who was tied to the man who was controlling him, blood caked his hands and he was covered from head to toe in splatters of blood and for once he enjoyed it, he reveled in it. However as the blood moon ended Riyak came back to his sense and had a mental break down. He couldn't take it anymore, what he had.

            From that point on Riyak has been travelling, he has sworn to never let another life be taken no matter whom it is

            ╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

                  ▬ A short sword
                  ▬ Three throwing knives
                  ▬ A picture of his parents

            F&R ▬ 5
            Character Level ▬ 1