[AlyssumReika - Elowyn Kasier]

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                                    ╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

                                          --- STRENGTH
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - CONSTITUTION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          ----- AGILITY
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - INTELLIGENCE
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - PERSUASION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

                                    ╫ C O R E ╫

                                          *NAME ▬ Elowyn Kasier
                                          *AGE ▬ 122
                                          *FACTION ▬ Naiøria
                                          NICKNAME ▬ El (But only those really close to her)
                                          *SEX ▬ Female
                                          *SPECIES ▬ Elf
                                          ORIENTATION ▬ Heterosexual
                                          OCCUPATION ▬ Distant Royalty: Emissary to the Skaglands

                              ╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

                                    HAIR ▬ Light brown
                                    CLOTHING ▬ Billowy/silky dresses that are both flattering and easy to move in always with her cloak over top.
                                    ACCESSORIES ▬ Light Elvish armor when the situation calls for it.
                                    *HEIGHT ▬ 5'5"
                                    *WEIGHT ▬ 117 lbs
                                    EYES ▬ Bluish-Green
                                    BUILD ▬ She has a toned, yet soft hourglass figure.
                                    TATTOOS ▬ N/A
                                    SCARS ▬ N/A
                                    MARKINGS ▬ N/A

                        ╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

                              ▬ Archery, riding, magic, music
                              ▬ Honor, Humbleness, intelligence
                              ▬ Fruits: namely strawberries or pineapple
                              ▬ Books, nature
                              ▬ Wolves, horses, felines
                              ▬ Arrogance, conceitedness
                              ▬ Meat
                              ▬ Trickery
                              ▬ Spiders, snakes
                              ▬ The Unknown, confined spaces
                              PERSONALITY TRAITS
                              ▬ Elowyn has a stable and clear mind, she is very thoughtful, observant, and independant.
                              ▬ Elowyn wishes to help and support Naiøria in any way possible. She is always working hard to prove herself.
                              ▬ She speaks very formally in most situations.
                              ▬ She is very selfless, loyal, and brave.
                              ▬ She tends to be extremely stubborn, once she has her mind set to something, it is nearly impossible to change it.
                              SKILLS & TALENTS
                              ▬ Elowyn is extremely quick and agile and can climb quite easily.
                              ▬ Elemental Magic
                              ▬ Archery
                              ▬ Her stronger element is fire.
                              ▬ Due to her size, she doesn't do as well in hand to hand combat.

                  ╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

            As distant Elven Royalty, Elowyn is a little bit more disposiblle than some of her relatives. Therefore, she has been assigned to be Emissary to the Skaglands. While some might be disappointed by this prospect, Slow in doesn't mind. She enjoys the adventure and feels like she can do more out her. Beyond that, she absolutely hates being cooped up, so this suits her.

            Years ago, Elowyn took upon her a slave. Normally this isn't something she would do because she despises slavery and thinks it should be outlawed. However, it was explained to her that they had already tried to free him, but he suffered a mental breakdown when they tried to remove his chains. Upon hearing this, and then seeing the slave, Elowyn's heart broke a little. She agreed to take him in, though Elowyn looks at Narx more as a companion than a slave.

            Unknown to her, Elowyn is actually high royalty, in line for the thrown. Her younger brother Jhann is also being considered for the throne. At a young age, her parents realized that Elowyn had a certain gentleness about her. It was decided to send her to live with a lesser family, believed to be second cousins to the royal heirs. Her parents believed that experiencing the world and living a lesser life as well as seeing the lives of the less fortunate would turn her into a better leader. Elowyn would be a more gentle and understanding leader, suited for peaceful times. Her brother would be more of a soldier, more suited to times of war. However, both of these siblings were unaware of their parents plans and unaware of the other sibling.

            ╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

                  ▬ An elegantly crafted silver bow and arrows
                  ▬ A thin elvish blade
                  ▬ A few small daggers
                  ▬ Elvish armor
                  ▬ Quiver for her arrows
                  ▬ Small satchel