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( darkcyan ) // ( #58cee0 )

Flowerborn Dragon had met a wonderful buck, and best yet she was having his babies. Their babies! She's so very excited for the little ones, mostly sure they'd be just as wonderful as she and her siblings were. But doubt has a nasty way of creeping in, and the past few nights she'd had horible nightmares about the various things that can happen to babies. Illness. Predators. Falls. So she'd talked to her dad who said she should ask for a blessing.

Tiger Beetle had no idea where to find one of Matope's chosen, though. The one he'd met just happened to be on the path that day. He did tell her to bring a gift, it'd be rude to expect to get something for nothing. So she'd spent some time searching, for chosen and gift. So far she'd only found the gift. A rather interestingly colored turtle shell, and rather big at that. Big enough to wear even, which was how she's carrying it, after some help from her dad to get it situated just right. It was a bit of a burden, but well worth the effort in her opinion. Even if it meant she can't dance and prance her joys to the swamp.

Humming she walks along, wobbling now and then as the shell shifts, giving a wiggle to re-sit it firmly on her back. Or that was the plan, anyway. It didn't work, Flowerborn being a bit too vigorous and sending it sliding down her other side instead. She gives a sigh of relief when she sees it's not broken, surely that would've been a bad omen. Though this was nearly bad enough. Now how was she going to move the shell? She circles around it, humming and hawwing as if the noises would suddenly place it on her back again.

That's exactly how Fish Bones found the Acha doe, at first he thought maybe she was singing to it and dancing. But almost immediately decided she was having some issue or another. "Need some help?"

Flowerborn perks up at the sound of a voice, someone to help! She looks over, giving a smile. And blinks. She'd never seen a legendary before, but he sure looked old enough to be a stag. Realizing what she just thought, she gulps and hopes they can't read minds. "I'm looking for a blessing. I'm gonna have kids of my very own! Well, and Sour Fruit Squirt's too. They're gonna be the prettiest babies! You can do that, right?" better to be sure than assume wrong.

Fish Bones chuckles, "I can yes."

Not that he gets farther than that, so excited is she, Flowerborn cuts him off. "Oh wonderful! Will you please? I brought you this shell as a gift! I've been so worried about the babies, there's so much that can go wrong and I've had the worst nightmares about all of it and I just want our babies to be safe and healthy and live forever!" she let's out all in a rush, nudging the shell toward him as she finishes.

Fish Bones listens with the patience of someone who's been doing this a long time, and someone who's known those worries for himself. He gives her a friendly smile. "I don't have the power to make them live forever. But I can, and do, ask the MotherFather to grant them long, accident free and healthy lives. Rest easy now, they'll be just fine." he replies, nodding as if the request has already been granted.

Flowerborn gives another sigh of relief, the tension draining out of her. She practically jumps on the stag, giving him a hug. "Thank you! Thank you!" she spends the next several minutes getting the shell up onto Fish Bones back, finding it a better fit than on her own, before leaving to go back home, stopping every few steps to look back and call another "Thank you!" to him, until he's out of sight.