Valentine Valtieri - Qhinua Lonruil
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                                    ╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

                                          --- STRENGTH
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - CONSTITUTION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          ----- AGILITY
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - INTELLIGENCE
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - PERSUASION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

                                    ╫ C O R E ╫

                                          *NAME ▬ Qhinua Lonruil
                                          *AGE ▬ 2,056
                                          *FACTION ▬ Independent
                                          NICKNAME ▬ King of Radiant Ruin or Qhin
                                          *SEX ▬ Male
                                          *SPECIES ▬ Irizan
                                          ORIENTATION ▬ Bisexual
                                          OCCUPATION ▬ (Former) King
                                          PARTNER(S) ▬ N/A

                              ╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

                                    HAIR ▬ Long and white
                                    CLOTHING ▬ Draped in the kingly vestments of his ancient kingdom and the armor of warriors long since passed. Despite the age of its construction, it all looks as new as the day it was weaved/forged.
                                    ACCESSORIES ▬ Numerous bluish spikes and crosses jut from Qhin's clothing, and even the sheathe of his sword.
                                    *HEIGHT ▬ 5'4"
                                    *WEIGHT ▬ 110lbs
                                    EYES ▬ Red
                                    BUILD ▬ Slim, despite his strength
                                    TATTOOS ▬ N/A
                                    SCARS ▬ Qhin has numerous stab wounds that have long since turned into scars, some of which not from blades, but from his crystallization.
                                    MARKINGS ▬ On the back of Qhin's neck is a runic marking for giving the dead a peaceful death. It is inactive, but the cause of his crystallization.

                        ╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

                              ▬ Training and swordplay
                              ▬ Strong-willed individuals
                              ▬ Cuisine from his time period
                              ▬ Blades of all times
                              ▬ Birds
                              ▬ Betrayers
                              ▬ Spicy foods
                              ▬ Tall walls
                              ▬ Snakes
                              ▬ Loss
                              PERSONALITY TRAITS
                              ▬ Relatively stable, though some would question this upon the knowledge that Qhin was the survivor of a major catastrophe, or that he carries his daughter around in the coffin that she was buried in.
                              ▬ Qhin seeks to reestablish his original kingdom, revive other members of his ancient race, and reawaken his sleeping daughter, no matter what the cost.
                              ▬ Qhin speaks with an accent given that, most of the time, he prefers to simply speak in the language of his people rather than some universally agreed upon common.
                              ▬ A loyal solider, and a loving father, it is nigh impossible to shake Qhin's faith in a person or course of action once he believes they are in the right.
                              ▬ His ambitions don't end at simply reestablishing his kingdom, leaving those who don't trust him or don't have his trust simply in the way of his conquest.
                              SKILLS & TALENTS
                              ▬ Qhin is a physically imposing individual even though he's quite small, as he's capable of lifting and throwing people with the greatest of ease, as well as wielding a sword bigger than he is with a single hand.
                              ▬ Qhin is capable of crafting the same type of crystal used to encase him and other Irizan, forming it into shape for combat or utility in a number of ways.
                              ▬ Qhin is a particularly talented swordsman and has an eye for the flow of battle, allowing him to engage multiple targets for longer than most can.
                              ▬ Qhin's greatest strength is his strength.
                              ▬ Though quite powerful, Qhin's runic projections are exhausting.

                  ╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

                        History remembers those who succeed, and yet, those who fail are often the greatest examples history has to teach. Qhinua Lonruil is an example of one of these failures, as a man who lost everything two millennia ago. As the history books tell it, long ago there existed a race of men and women amongst the many thousands of other races on the world, lauded for their great strength and skill despite their size, but internally falling apart as a species. The unification of the Irizan people came through the Lonruil family line, who would establish a foothold in their own territories with the Irizan people as the vassals of their new kingdom. The Radiant City, or as it would later come to be known, the City of Radiant Ruin, would be the name of their new home, and further, it would be where Qhin was born. Though he grew up as a prince in a turbulent time, he was never cowed by his duties or what was expected of him, showing himself as a model prince by way of him sticking to his studies and applying his lessons, as well as showing strength beyond compare of his peers, as he proved to be as strong as a fully grown man from a very early age.

                        Qhin regularly sparred with his brethren, perfecting his art with each engagement and tournament, mastering both sword and spell with relative ease. His growth led to dissenters with the Radiant Kingdom to question the continued control the Lonruil family held over other Irizan, but for a time, nothing happened. Eventually, leadership would pass from his parents to him, and Qhin would be forced to contend with the voices of those who wanted to sweep the throne from underneath his grasp. They were silenced quickly, and for a time, his kingdom prospered under his rule. The birth of his daughter meant that she, too, would eventually succeed him, and though he raised her much as he was raised, Arthaua Lonruil, his child, proved to be too soft-hearted for the throne. Indeed, this was used against Qhin, who would find his daughter and wife severely wounded by usurpers. The attempted coup ended in failure, but not before Qhin's kingdom was destroyed, wrecked by powerful runics and turned to ash in an instant. The very last thing he saw before he was encased in crystal by the last usurper to stand was the image of everything his family had built ruined, and his race in shambles.

                        He would awaken years later, freed from the crystal that had preserved his body. His rescuer would tell him that in the two-thousand years since his "death" and the destruction of his kingdom, the world had changed in many different ways, including his name and that of his legacy being nothing more than a history lesson for the masses. Together with the strange man that freed him, Qhin would exit his tomb and find his daughter, similarly encased in crystal and hidden away in an ornate coffin. The stranger would, similarly, break the hold of the crystalline curse on Artha, but despite her drawing breath, she would not awaken. It was then that he would set off with his daughter's coffin in tow, ready to reemerge in the world and reclaim the throne of his people. In his travels, he would learn that history had dubbed him the "King of Radiant Ruin" for his failure to stop the destruction of his kingdom, and moreover, for him having caused its downfall. Furious at the depiction, Qhin currently strives to revive the glory of his people, and this time, to quiet dissenters without the mercy his ancestors showed.

            ╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

                  ▬ Qhin's blade is a massive, ornate weapon that is wider and taller than a man, weighing enough that a normal person would find it unwieldy to the point of not even being able to heft it. The blade stands at six feet tall, and still carries some of the crystals from his entrapment.
