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( darkcyan ) // ( #5B9C64 )

Jade Sea had learned he'd be a father, and his first thought was to make sure Rust to Dust would be comfortable and taken care of. After spending some days getting her settled and food stockpiled, and maybe fussing just and bit too much, he finally is on to his second idea. Find a stag or mare to bless the children.

Not that he had a clue where to look, and none of the kin he'd met seemed to know either. At least he had a gift, some sort of shell he found on the beach. The outside wasn't much to look at, grey and white and rough. But the inside was a pearly blue grey, and it was just the right size to carry a few small bits around and not be too awkward. Just to be sure he had it right, Jade Sea had filled it with some winter berries.

He wasn't about to give up, though. He didn't care if it took weeks, he wasn't going back without a blessing. Still, it'd be nice if he could find someone who knew where to look. He didn't even know what to look for. Aside form glowing eyes. But lots of kin had glowing eyes. Seeing a kimeti on the path he speeds up. "Hello! Maybe you can help me?" his words slurred a bit past the shell, he hopes he'd enunciated well enough to make up for it.

Fish Bones had been on his way home, in a rather round about way, when he heard someone call out. Turning he goes to meet the kiokote buck, smiling in greeting. "Hello. If it's in my power, I'll help."

Jade Sea sets down the shell, licking his lips before looking back at the kimeti. He look old, older than any kin Jade had ever seen. Maybe he's a legendary, or if not he's surely old enough to know every inch of the swamp so must know where one is, Jade thinks. "I'm looking for a blessing, so I need a legendary but nobody knows where one is and I'd like to get back before Rust to Dust has the babies. I even got a gift, this shell and the berries" he explains, leaning down to nose the shell. "I made sure she had food for weeks and someone to look after her before I left, just in case. I might have annoyed Rust with all my fussing and preparations." he adds, hoping he hadn't pissed her off too badly. He would like to see the babies grow up.

Fish Bones gives a low chuckle, his eyes gleaming with mirth. "May your children be as well prepared as you." he says, nodding in a knowing manner.

Jade Sea looks at the kimeti, giving a sheepish smile. Okay, so maybe trusting a total stranger is foolish. But he'd never before seen a kin who looked so ancient, even when the kin actually was old they still looks less old than this one. "Thank you! Enjoy the shell, and the berries. I gotta go tell Rust to Dust about this! Bye!" he decides to believe the stranger, smiling he turns and trots off.

"You're welcome!" Fish Bones watches the kiokote go, then gathers his gift and continues on his way.