User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Flawed had been staying with Echo and Yell for awhile and it felt good staying with them it was something he wasn't used to feeling, good about himself. He wasn't trying to hide away from others. As much anyhow. Some things were just hard to stop doing, habits and all.

So today was really no different in that he was cautiously making his way around the area, having decided he'd needed a walk. He shook off the water from the path he'd taken and kept walking, not quite lost in thought, but not far from either.

He paused near a bush of berries and took a sniff at them before he was eating a few, more because he could, than any actual hunger. A snack wasn't so bad, he figured. As he ate he looked around a little, just surveying the area.

Variable Nonsense
So I suck at starting rp in a timely manner apparently. Sorry!