User Image Walks-with-Fireflies and his love, Daisy Chain, had talked about kids. Daisy Chain's sister had even offered to mother the children. Sadly, nothing came of their attempts. So far, none of the does Walks had been with since Blossom, Daisy Chain's mother - this family was pretty complicated, Walks had had kids with his love's mother before the two got together. In fact, that's how they'd met - had gotten pregnant. And Walks was starting to worry. What if his clutch with Blossom was a fluke, and he really wasn't virile. Not that he'd tried with every doe he'd met, but he'd tried with a good number. If he was capable, one of them would have gotten pregnant already. Right?

Not one to give up, but also not wanting to get Daisy Chain's hopes up, again, Walks had gone off. Found some little white lie to tell his love, and gone to find a doe. It wasn't cheating, Daisy Chain has given Walks full permission to dally, the secret was to avoid disappointment if he's unable, again, to get a doe pregnant. But also, if he does manage to get her with child, what a wonderful surprise for his love? If he came back with babies for them to raise, Daisy Chain would be very happy. And Walks too, he'd wanted more kids for a very long time. And, hopefully, the mother. Walks wouldn't force her to leave, or stay. Though, he'd prefer a doe who wants to stay. Always good for the kids to know both parents, and also more help.

So he searches for a doe, looking for not just any doe. Pink would be nice. Or peach. Cream and brown too maybe. But absolutely pink. And willing, she has to be absolutely completely fine with being mom. Or auntie, if she prefers. And the kids having two dads. Not that he'd ever met a kin who was against same gender pairs, but he supposed anything is possible.

He'd already asked, and been rejected, by a few does. But wasn't about to give up. Eventually he'd find just the right doe. Until then, it was time to rest, so he found a comftorable spot to settle for a bit and got himself ready for a good sleep.