[Ghost_Rios as.... ORDO VADAMEE]

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╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

        --- STRENGTH
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        ----- AGILITY
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊
        - PERSUASION
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊

╫ C O R E ╫

        *NAME ▬ Ordo Vadamee
        *AGE ▬ 312
        *FACTION ▬ Vadamee Clan - highest bidder
        NICKNAME ▬ Talyc
        *SEX ▬ Male
        *SPECIES ▬ Dragonborn
        ORIENTATION ▬ Straight
        OCCUPATION ▬ Clan Chief/Mercanary
        PARTNER(S) ▬ None

╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

        HAIR ▬ no hair
        CLOTHING ▬ Beskar'gam
        ACCESSORIES ▬ none
        *HEIGHT ▬ 6' 8"
        *WEIGHT ▬ 300lbs
        EYES ▬ orange
        BUILD ▬ muscle
        TATTOOS ▬ a skull with a warhammer and sword crossed on his back
        SCARS ▬ many across his body
        MARKINGS ▬ none

╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

        ▬ Fighting
        ▬ his fellow dovakin
        ▬ meat mostly
        ▬ his weapons
        ▬ Wolves
        ▬ Pacifists
        ▬ Fruits, mostly bananas
        ▬ boats
        ▬ fish, those slippery jerks
        ▬ failing his fellow Dragonborn
        ▬ Perfect health, even on a all meat diet
        ▬ To be the best he can be
        ▬ fluent in most languages
        ▬ He's loyal and honorable
        ▬ Get him mad and see what he does
        ▬ Flight, dragon fire
        ▬ Flame runes on his weapons
        ▬ besides fighting, smithing, diplomacy of a sorts
        ▬ Two-handed weaponry
        ▬ Flight, he has yet to master sustained flight

╫ H I S T O R Y ╫


Not much is known about this Dragonborn species, they live in some of the uncharted land near volcanoes. These lizard like people are children of dragons, walking amongst the inhabitants of the land. The Vadamee Clan is very secretive with a rich history of Fire Dragon blood. Ordo was made chief of this clan many years ago, back when chief was decided by strength and cunning. Because of this the clans never have a single chief. But back to Ordo, starting out as a blacksmith turned warrior chief. Ordo's life was very simple, you wake up and work then go to sleep. But when the war reared it's head the clans could no longer be hidden in their areas of isolation. Now how does Ordo fit in? Ordo, like any other male, upon the death of the previous chief entered the competition known as "Melakon" or simply put Death Battles. Being a blacksmith by trade fighting was close to second nature, who would test such weapons anyways? He fought hard and bravely, fighting till he was the last male standing. Upon winning he was sent off to meet with the various other chiefs. In a unanimous decision the Dragonborn clans would remain neutral and the clan members would chose to join the fight upon receiving pay. From isolated warrior tribes to mercenaries for hire, none was more noticed than Ordo.

As chief Ordo would receive first pick of jobs. So he always chose removal of bandits and holding a key point from an enemy. To which his death count grew, pushing itself into the thousands. Because of this Death count he was given the nickname and title "Talyc". Meaning Death or Angel of Death. The name causing fear in many, giving birth to Legends and stories as well. Of course some stories are far more out there than others. But ever since he was given that title Ordo has worked to ensure the survival of his people and race.
╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

        ▬ Inferno Hammer, made from the heart of a volcano this hammer can send waves of intense heat towards a foe. Be warned though, only certain strength can lift such a weapon
        ▬ Fire Blade, this two handed longsword is perfect for creating small fires, burning flesh, and just a general light. Angry enough Ordo can use it single handed.
        ▬ Fire breather, this is a blood thing. As a Fire Dragonborn Ordo can breath out fire at will. It does require a great deal of focus.
        ▬ Iron Armor or Beskar'gam
        ▬ smithing tools
        ▬ Fire Beast Token - A token that holds the spirit of a fire creature, the token can be used to summon this creature to his aid once a day.