[Sanaos & Tarak Garodar]
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╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

        --- STRENGTH
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        ----- AGILITY
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        - PERSUASION
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

╫ C O R E ╫

        *NAME ▬ Tarak Garodar
        *AGE ▬ 32
        *FACTION ▬ Independent
        NICKNAME ▬ Rak
        *SEX ▬ Male
        *SPECIES ▬ Half-Orc
        ORIENTATION ▬ Homosexual
        OCCUPATION ▬ Mercenary, but looking for more permanent work.
        PARTNER(S) ▬ None yet.

╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

        HAIR ▬ Shoulder length black hair that is far finer and softer than an orcs. Paired with a beard trimmed short about his jawline to slightly longer at his chin.
        CLOTHING ▬ Prefers darker colors, but is not otherwise picky about texture. Generally sticks with whatever is comfortable, mainly cloth and leathers.
        ACCESSORIES ▬ A single black leather wristband that his mother wore as an armband.
        *HEIGHT ▬ 5'9"
        *WEIGHT ▬ 168 lbs
        EYES ▬ Gray with silver flecks.
        BUILD ▬ Medium/Muscular
        TATTOOS ▬ On his right shoulder he has a intricate design of his own making, though he would never admit he had done so.
        SCARS ▬ Free of any scars for the moment.
        MARKINGS ▬ None.

╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

        ▬ Cooking, swordsmanship, and language.
        ▬ Meeting people of any different race that welcomes him is enough for him.
        ▬ Meat - very fond of any dish that has meat regardless of what it is.
        ▬ Paintings - clumsy himself with art he appreciates the more delicate things.
        ▬ Cats - will frequently have a tag-along stray that accompanies him.
        ▬ Arrogant, foolhardy, or discriminatory people find an enemy in him.
        ▬ Dislikes visually disgusting looking products, but loathes stinky cheese as well.
        ▬ Doors, chairs, or any object that is to small to accommodate a normal person.
        ▬ Insects - mostly for their incessant buzzing than anything. Also horses, he is generally uneasy being near or having to ride them.
        ▬ Isolation - being half orc put him squarely between two different peoples. He deeply yearns for a place to call home, a people to call his own, friends who care, and a family he can love.
        ▬ Wary but curious by nature. Overall friendly to those that respect him.
        ▬ Where he is a sell-sword now he wishes to eventually become more of a city guard. This requires, of course, finding a city that trusts him and that he can settle down in.
        ▬ Driven by the desire to find his father, or his fathers people. Wants, eventually, to have a lover and a home.
        ▬ Rak is a good listener and likes to help those others overlook.
        ▬ Can be a bit to blunt or forthright toward people he does not like. Can, and will, start fights with anyone who he deems as 'looking down' on him.
        ▬ As a half orc he is physically stronger than he looks and as half elf he is also much more nimble. A lot of fights have been won because people underestimate him as a 'half-breed'. He is an expert hand to hand fighter and has had years of experience with swords and daggers. He has great aim and force behind thrown objects (daggers, spears and the like), bows and arrows on the other hand completely elude him.
        ▬ Has no ability to do magic and magic text just confuses and disorients him.
        ▬ Swordplay. He has a love for the sword and has been a student of fencing since he was young. Other than fighting he is good at wood carvings and will whittle in whatever free time. He thinks his work with wood is garbage, at best, but he makes marvelous things.
        ▬ Honestly his ability to be underestimated. Cunning mixed with strength, agility and flexibility make him a dangerous man to brush off.
        ▬ Magic would be the obvious answer, but he is also not good with ranged weapons, preferring to be up close and personal with his opponents.

╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

        BACKGROUND The six months before Tarak's birth were hard for his mother. Forced to leave her Elven home and seek refuge where she could took its toll on her by the time she found solace with a monastery far south of her home. The kind monks were a mix of people and welcomed her, and her unborn child, as one of their own. When he finally came due there were complications, however, which in the end took his mothers life. Thankfully she had left the midwife a name for the newborn as well as what little possessions she owned. Tarak was not unloved nor alone however. The monastery was a sanctuary to many and there no end to people he stayed with and as close to. Like the other children he learned to read, write, and do basic math as well as histories and philosophy. When he was old enough he joined the other monks in their meditations and daily 'strikes', where he learned discipline, patience and eventually to fight.

        By the time he came to adulthood he was already besting his elders in fights and was far more curious about the world. It was then he expressed his desire to travel beyond the monastery in a search for any clue to his father. At his coming of age ceremony he was approached by his mentor and long time confidant, Asteron, who gave him a wooden pipe as a present. The chimera who bore fox-like features had long been a father figure in his life and he was most sad to leave him. It was Asteron who told him he was always welcome back, and that his could be home if he let it be. It was tempting to just stay, but his drive to discover himself and his roots was one he couldn't ignore. Someone out there knew his mother just as someone surely knew his father. He had left the next morning and hadn't been back since. In the next few years he began working as a sell-sword, or mercenary, mostly to keep his belly full. It surprised him how hateful people could be about half-breeds and began to resent the way people said the word.

        Over the next ten years he wandered place to place and learned as much as he could about orc tribes and where to find them. There had only been a few elves he had run into and they wouldn't even speak to him, let alone ask about his mother. Over this time he'd had a few lovers and found that his origins didn't matter as much as his future did. A family of his own seemed so far away, especially since he only fancied other males. A particularly brutal job he took made him wonder if he'd ever be able to survive long enough to even get something like that. Which is how he ended up in the Skaglands in the first place, after leaving his 'boss' to deal with his shady business and going to find other work. He'd heard there was a coliseum in these parts and some sort of event over a Baron position. Though he didn't want to lead this often meant there would be work for someone such as himself.

╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

        ▬ Carries one medium length double-edged sword and a single small dagger in case he needs it.
        ▬ Very proficient with his fists as a result of years among the monks he was raised by.
        ▬ For him anything can be a weapon if he tries hard enough and will unconsciously scan rooms to be certain he has other options (if unarmed).
        ▬ A smoking pipe given to him as a gift at his coming of age. He carries it with care inside the wooden box it came in.
        ▬ Has a small knife and various bits of wood, some half carved and others waiting to be carved.
        ▬ A traveling bag with various clothes items, weapon maintenance gear, dried foods and a water skin.
