[ AD Reaper Elyse – Thilly Traqxis]
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        --- STRENGTH
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        ----- AGILITY
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        - PERSUASION
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊


        *NAME ▬ Thilly Traqxis
        *AGE ▬ 120 [Chronologically], 21 [Biologically]
        *FACTION ▬ Naiørian [Pending Independent Faction]
        *CURRENT TITLE ▬ N/A
        NICKNAME ▬ Thil, Silver Tongue/ Snake (To her political rivals)
        *SEX ▬ Female
        *SPECIES ▬ Elden [Sun-Elf (3/4th), Chimera? (1/4th)]
        ORIENTATION ▬ Pansexal
        OCCUPATION ▬ Historian, Scientific Researcher, and Political Philosopher.
        PARTNER(S) ▬ None At the Moment.


        HAIR ▬ Strawberry Blonde
        CLOTHING ▬ She wears usually a mid-thigh cut sleeveless white or saffron colored dress with a choker set to "V" laid straps that bares her cleavage leaves the back open. This is paired with a armored boostie/corset with a polished bronze color. Along her biceps (excluding her shoulders) and down to her wrist are black sleeves that frill at the end of her wrist with polished bronze ornate trim reminiscent of her heritage and station, a matching pair covers her mid-thigh down to her ankle and are connected to a pair of matching shorts by a garter under her skirt line. Her Shoes match the boostie in fabric color and fabric color they come up just below her calf. in an asymmetrical wrap with armored polished bronze trim.
        ACCESSORIES ▬ Tied to her back is a bag in which she keeps scrolls, vials, and "runic cartridges", etc for work. An albino Pet snake is her pet at at times she can bee seen with it draped over her as it runs at least 5ft in length.
        *HEIGHT ▬ 6'1"
        *WEIGHT ▬ 139lb
        EYES ▬ Copper
        BUILD ▬ Curvaceous and Tall
        TATTOOS ▬ A White Snake on her spine that wraps around a white birch tree with the word formed into the bark – "Yggdrasil".
        SCARS ▬ A small cut over her left eye splitting the eyebrow.
        MARKINGS ▬ N/A


        Hobbies/Talents: Historic Notation (both transcribing and mentally memorization in a photographic instance), Oration, Tinkering, Sewing.
        People: The Common People - Folksy Farmers and the like are much warmer to her and she believes knowledge is best used t preserve their happiness.
        Foods: Dragon Fruit
        Objects: Runic Artifacts - Any runic discovery or invention or retro-adaptation can draw her focus and desire.
        Animals: Snakes
        People: Politicians, and political rivals (nobles)
        Foods: Oranges
        Objects: Swords
        Animals: Turkeys
        Fears: Octopi (Tentacle creatures in general to some varying degrees)
        Psychological Condition: Sociable and Empathetic, but highly Manipulative and Egotistical passively she tends to develop a scheme and route of use and direction for everyone she meets with in the moment of meeting them.
        Aspirations: Creating a History book entitled "The Current State of Nulis" – sub-title "And the history of her Regions"
        Vernacular: She speaks with eloquence and tact, but she has been known to shift her speech patterns and mannerisms seamlessly according to whom she's around. Also she learns new languages very fast.
        Positive: She's caring and has a good ear for listening to people and patiently working through what might be disturbing them and she cares about it on a personal level.
        Negative: She's a proud person and she does have a big ego about her skills because of how hard she had to work to earn her position.
        Physical Abilities: She's not particularly strong, but her legs are rather fit and she's fairly fast with a long stride given her height being mostly in her legs. Thilly specifically has more skill in combat using her legs for kicks or centering her gravity to throw an opponent. also her balance and grace on her feet is nearly unfaltering.
        Runic Projections (Magic Spells): Thilly as a Historian and specifically a fanatic of transcribed Runics is particularly retro-inventor of "Runic cartridges" that she adapted from stone scrolls of runics. These scrolls activated Projections by being rolled or pressed to a object and baring the mark on the surface. Yet furthering the technology and working it into metal cartridges she can mix scriptures or quickly produce paper productions of projections in short order. Thilly uses a double barrel "Rifle", that holds a barrel decorated in igniting runes used turn these cartridges into projectiles transcribed to activate to a somatic (physical) motion usually a flex of the thumb as to push a button. The Rifle can only fire two Runic cartridges at a time but it's tactile uses are useful along with it's power and range of fire. Yet reloading a Cartridge takes time and paper, to wrap around the cartridge to work as catalyst. The riffle simply rolls the cartridge in inks infused with runic purpose and causes a pressurized fire of air and the spell intended.
        Cartridges Runic Classes: Evocation (Flames, Water spear, Wind tunnel), Transmutation[matter state change (liquid, solid)], Conjuration (Summoning Snakes, Shifting through space in an instance)
        Talents: She often acts as a Diplomat and has an eye for noticing the most precious things on a person.
        Strongest Ability: Though smart the truly strongest facet of Thilly's skills is her ability to endear herself towards anyone better half and gain favor from them or at least some odd sense of affection or respect. She also has this affinity with animals using not even words but movement. She seems capable of communicating and appealing to people with ever inch of her being.
        Weakest Ability: Thilly is rather weak when it comes to the more athletic side of things and when it comes to traveling for with any straining action required she's likely not much help.


        BACKGROUND – Thilly Traqxis was born to nobility in a not too distant Sky-Island within the domain of Elden dukedom. Their family closely serving the interest of Naiørian advancement in both social and military realms. Her mother the Matriarch of the family meet a half chimera Jewler and Blacksmith on the surface of Nulis in the Chimera homeland and bore her in secrecy for years. Thilly was raised in isolation on the estate of the Traqxis family but she was she was notably different due to the tufts of hair on the tips o her ears and the light air her form held compared to other Elden. She was clearly part Chimera but it was unclear as to what creature she bore resemblance to other than a hairy Eld. So the controversy was quickly handled mostly by meeting the ridicule head on and showing ones best in all places of importance in Elden life. Thilly put her best in to most everything but she had a penchant for surrounding herself around the Eld whom weren't so consumed with her keeping up appearances. She took interest in all things, but most especially in history and the nature of the Runics and Creatures of the world. As she grew she'd make her noble appearance as a representative of her house, but she took no deep interest in the politics of Naiøria other than her duty to her family.
        Her passion remains in the "Naiørian Runic Historian Society", a small group of Elden scholars open minded enough to try and place their history aside to excavate the history of not only their culture but all cultures and seek out the root "seed" of all species on their Continent. She's rarely called to act in many political facets of her families dealings but her skills in oration and diplomacy seems to be an undeniable asset to her family and people.


        ▬ Runic Rifle (Unique design described above)
        ▬ Runic cartridges, Scrolls (Paper), Paper note slips [x50]
        ▬ Hand Crossbow, 20 bolts.
        ▬ Pendant with family Crest
        ▬ Vials [x10] – half are full of curatives, half are empty.
        ▬ Hand Journal for notes
        ▬ Pen & Ink.
        ▬ Winged corset – designed to allow her to glide bending the air around her.
