[11/21/2016 12:20:33 AM]

A hazel-eyed young man walked down the streets of Camphoreon with an ice cream cone in his hand and a Jigglypuff with an additional ice cream cone by his side. He hummed lightly to the music coming through his ear pieces as he went. Suddenly, a biker intercepted the pair with his motorbike as he drove out of an alley, stopping right in front of the pedestrian trainer. The stranger's sudden appearance, loud bike, and close proximity had startled Jack into dropping his cone and he stared at it for a moment in disbelief. The biker didn't wait for him to recover.

"Hey, hand over your money and my Pokemon won't have to beat up on ya," the biker said, sitting up on his perch and folding his burly arms to look even more like an intimidating thug than he already did.

Jack looked up, regarded the man sourly as he continued to pout at his lost treat, and turned to his Jigglypuff. "Man, I hate wasting food. I hadn't even gotten to the cone, yet," he complained. "Loki, I think this guy owes us something, don't you?"

"Jiggly jigjig puff," the Jigglypuff agreed, puffing up with anger as it nodded. It quickly stuffed the rest of its own cone into its mouth before opening it again to inhale deeply. Before the biker could so much as say a word in response, though, the Pokemon began to sing.

Minutes later, Jack and Loki were heading back toward the ice cream parlor with the money the trainer had gotten off the sleeping biker. He hadn't taken everything - just what he figured he owed him for 'losing the battle', which was conveniently enough to buy the ice cream he'd lost. Jack continued to hum to the music from his ear pieces, but he smiled and gave Loki a grateful pat on the head.