Here are my ideas of two backstory rps.

The Road that Leads Nowhere

I woke up in my bed at the dorms like any other day. I got dressed and headed to breakfast but today was different. I had a map of the state region with me. As I ate, I looked at the map. Seeing circles of interests highlighted over cities and small towns. I made distance calculations on the map and used a ruler and simple mathematical equations to figure out my destination. On the map were also locations that were crossed off. I didn’t understand what I was looking for but I knew I was taking journeys every day to find something. As I left the cafeteria, the outside area changed from being in front of the residential dorms to a suburban neighborhood filled with two story houses and green lawns. My conscious was aware that the scene had changed.

Before I could question the reality I was in, a young small boy ran up to me from a drive way. He was dressed in his Sunday best clothes. A tan dress-up shirt with a blue strip square pattern all over. His pants were brown cargo pants and his shoes looked heavy for dress shoes. His face showed a smile that I never really forgot. His teeth were as white as snow and his eyes lit up with joy. He ran over to me. His body was thin and his speed and stance showed that he was athletic. In the background, I saw his sister. I couldn’t remember her name but her face always showed shyness. She never fully smiled but rather pressed her lips in to her teeth giving a lipless smile. Her hair was in dreadlocks with white beads entwined in the hair. She wore a pink dress with white leg socks and black dress shoes. She was playing hop scotch on the driveway as the boy spoke to me. "Hey Zach!!!!!", he said

"What was his name?", I thought to myself. He was a young black boy who was adopted by a white family. His name started with an S and was considered an odd name to have. Then I remembered.

"What is it, Shalkem?' I asked

"Are you going to help us look for the house with the dome roof?"

"I can certainly try. Where do you think I should look?" I asked

Shakem looked at me then out his hand under his chin trying to recall where he first had of the house with the dome roof. "Maybe the library. I remember I saw a picture of the house there." He said. I smiled at him and pulled out my map from my messenger bag. I knelt down and unraveled the map in the concrete ground. This drew attention to his sister who walked over and looked at the map silently. "Ok so this circles with X's on them are places I have already checked. The places with circles are places I'm going to check. Do you remember which library you were at when you saw the picture of the house?" He looked at the map carefully before pointing to a location that was halfway across town. I circled the spot then stood up. Shalkem looked at me looking worried.

"You promise you'll take me and my sister with you when you find it?', he said.

"I promise. I got to find it first.", I said smiling. The boy and the sister both laughed. I began to walk down the street as the two children waved me goodbye. My journey took my many places through areas of restaurants and marketplaces to big city buildings and skyscrapers. As I sat on the city bus, I looked out the window seeing the scenery change as the buildings and people swooshed out of view. I pondered about the home with the dome roof and began to imagine what it looked it. Why this house was so important to me and what could be inside of it. "Now arriving at *Static* Library." A female announcer spoke through the speakers. This snapped me out of my daydream and I got up and exited the bus.

The building looked like an old fashion courthouse. With a balcony and pillars holding two story house. As I walked over, I noticed that the people out walking suddenly disappeared and I was alone in this quiet environment. As I walked in the room seemed to extend beyond my sight. Hundreds of books that seemed to run twice as long as the building caught my eye. The environment seemed a bit hostile hearing not even a page turn to break the silence. I looked around of a person who seemed to be not quite occupied with a book.

I walked to an open sitting area with a coffee table in the middle and two sofas arranged in an L shape. There sat a girl with short brown hair. She wore a tan t-shirt and a black wool button sweater. Her jeans were light blue with black combat boots. I couldn’t see her eyes as I sat down next to her. She was busy reading a book that was spread open on her lap. Her hands on either side of the pages. "Um.....Excuse me miss. I was wondering if you heard of a house....with a dome roof?" I asked as softly as I could.
Suddenly she wrapped her arm around my neck and pulled me into her chest still reading. My face grew red with embarrassment from the unexplained action. "You're looking for house with the dome roof?", she said. Her voice was soft and gentle but her grip was a bit rough and uncomfortable.

"Y-yes" I stuttered feeling shy and a little fluttered.

She loosened her grip and closed the book then looked at me. Her eyes were bright green and staring into them made you question if the girl was looking in to your head or your soul.

"I can show you where it is. Do you have a map?"

"Yeah. It's right here." I said as I took the map from my bag and unraveled it on the coffee table. She leaned forward slightly examining the places I circled and crossed out. Then shook her head a little in disapproval. "The place you're looking for isn’t on any of the modern maps." She said looking at me.

"Well do you have a map I could borrow then?" I asked. She gave me a gentle smile and the room seemed to light up. I looked away still embarrassed from her action. She got up and took a brown messenger bag off the couch and placed it over her shoulder. Then with one movement, grabbed my hand and pulled me up. She began to walk at first once we were outside then slowly began to run still holding my hand. Her brown hair seemed to chase her as she laughed and smiled.

As we began to run, the scene changed from the city to a forest. Again I noticed reality change and pulled my hand away from her. She stopped and looked at me. "Come on!!!! We have to go in to the forest. It’s the only way from losing them." She said. Her face frowned and showed worry. I followed her in to the woods where we came upon a RV trailer. There was a campfire and one chair out in the front and two empty bottles of beer next to the chair. As I followed the girl in to the trailer, the interior was seemed much bigger. It was a two room trailer with a small bunk bed by a window. A small couch was placed in front of the bunk bed with a coffee table and attached to this living room was a kitchen with its own double sinks, dishwasher and fridge with both bottom and top cabinets.

As I stood in the doorway, the girl walked over to the fridge and took out two beers. "Sit with me." Was all she said. I followed her to the couch and she put one of the beers by me. She bent over grabbing something from under the table then set an old looking map on top. I took the smoked from the inside pocket of my black coat. Camel Crush was the brand. I took one of and handed the pack to her and she took as well.
"Now like I told you, your house with the dome roof isn’t going to be on any modern map. Its on an old map before the city was built. Its in the woods on the north side of the city by this lake here. I can take you there in the morning but for now, you need to stay here."

"But why? Who were we running from?", I asked looking at her worried as she lit her cigarette then mine.

"People who believe that households power that no mortal can withhold in the world." She said as her face faded in to darkness and my journey came to a close.


"You shouldn't have struggled so much" said the man. He walks over to the open window and sees three men loading five black body bags in to a truck.
"If you had only given me the money, you promised for your husband's "little" incident, you'd be having breakfast right now." One man looks at the house and waves seeing the man in the window. He lifts his hand back. The man leaves the room as the woman lays there on the bed motionless. Then comes back with a suitcase. He puts it on the bed and opens it’s. A pristine pressed suit is tucked neatly away in it. The man begins to take one piece of clothing out of the case. After a few minutes he is dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt and blood red tie.
He looks at the woman as he fixes his sleeve suit button and walks over to her. He kneels beside the bed looking in to the woman's bright blue eyes and moves a bit of her blonde hair out of her face. "But no. You just had the hero......and now it costed your own family." The man said.
He bends over and kisses the woman's forehead as a voice yells from outside. "Come on Mac!!!! We got to get out of here!!!! Job's done!!!” The man walks out of the bedroom and only the sounds of his footsteps fading quieter and quieter is heard. The woman's face is still looking at the ceiling as the man opens the front door and closes it. Voices can be heard muffled as several car doors open and close. The engine drowns them out as it roars from outside and the gravel shuffles as the truck drives off. Then silences. The woman's face grows more and more pale.
Suddenly she jerks up and coughs blood on her white sheets. She holds her side as blood has soaked her robe. She looks around seeing her familiar bedroom. Pictures of her husband and children cover the walls with faces of joy and happiness. She stumbles off the bed and groans in pain. She slowly crawls to the bathroom where the man's towel lays still soaking from the water. The air feels tight and the woman can barely breathe as she makes her way to the sink. She reaches out her hand and feels the smooth surface of the marble sink. She grips it tight feeling pain from her side shoot up her arm and she clasps back on the floor. The woman is angry and shows her frustration by kicking the toilet by the sink. "Son of a b***h!” she mutters to herself.
She takes several deep breaths to calm herself then puts her hand toward the sink once again. Using what little strength is left, she pulls herself up using the sink as support. The mirror is fogged up from the stream and water is still dripping from the shower head on to the cold marble shower floor. A repeating melody. The woman wiped the condonation from the mirror and looks at her self. Her face is lean and her blonde hair is tangled among itself. Her white shirt is torn a little from where the man grabbed her. Her blue robe is soaked with red from a wound in her side and a cut wound covers her right side of her cheek. The blood felt warm. Her left lip is busted and cut. She looked at her hands. They're red at the knuckles and bruised. Her arms are covered in small cuts.
The woman is shocked at her appearance and begins to look for a first aid. Outside the bathroom doorway is a shelf with memorable medals and awards. A picture of a man and woman standing beside each other smiling. The man is in a business suit and the woman is in a military uniform. Next to the picture is a wooden plank with a metal plate screwed on. A military metal decorates the plank as well. The words on the plate say "Captain Marissa Bura United States Marines August 28th 2012"

The Road that Leads Nowhere will have two people that go on a journey to find a house with a specific roof. One role will be a support role and the other will be a lead role. The story can go anyway you want due to being in a dream state. The genre for this rp is Fantasy.

Vindication is about a former marine mother who is the sole survivor of an assassination of her husband and kids. She tries to find help from her former C.O. and family member to find the reason behind the event. This is a game of cat and mouse. The genre of this rp is Action and Modern Realism