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Her pregnancy progressed slowly, like creeping thorns that started in her belly and grew outwards to every limb. It was an ache that settled into her joints, made her breath short in her chest and her head swim. Spellbound wasn’t built for pregnancy. Perhaps she could have been but her life had not treated her kindly enough. Her body was small and weak, already full of phantom pains. Now that her energy was going into creating life, there was nothing left for her. Another reminder of her mother. Witch Hunt might be dead but her touch still lingered, the scars would never fade.

Of course Spellbound had treated pregnancies; she knew the right herbs, the right mix to help with the swollen joints and nausea. But it wasn’t quite enough and she was struggling.

Her brother could see it and he hovered around her when he could, anxious and angry. Bloodhound wasn’t good with dealing with emotions, didn’t like feeling helpless. Though that was exactly what he was and had been for quite some time. Ever since Chosen One had come along. Bloodhound knew he couldn’t protect his sister and so he came and then he went, stared at her with eyes filled with helpless rage before leaving again.

When Chosen One was there, he doted. He talked a lot and despite herself, she found his voice soothing. It washed over her, gave her something to focus on other than the aching in her limbs and the tightness in her belly. When No Mercy was with him too, watching her, gaze unfathomable, she wondered what chance her children would have in the world if she even managed to give birth. They had her mother’s blood and her father’s blood and neither of them were good.

Chosen One, No Mercy - was there even any brightness in that lineage? She wondered if there was anyone in the family who looked upon their actions aghast or if they were all as twisted. Were they all so broken? How cruel was she to even let this happen. There were herbs. There were ways. If she wanted.

Those thoughts plagued her on her darkest nights.

And then on one such painful night, he came.

Spellbound hadn’t expected him. Of all of the Legendaries that roamed the Swamp, she was certain it would have been Peep. And she had been dreading the moment, because she knew Peep would offer her sanctuary, she could offer birth without pain, and Spellbound would not have been able to accept it.

Instead there was a stag and she was both relieved and distraught once her surprise had passed.

The stag loomed over her, unmindful of Bloodhound sleeping nearby.

“You weren’t expecting me,” he said, as if reading her thoughts - and she wasn’t entirely sure that he wasn’t.

“I- no, I... there is someone else I thought would come,” she answered.

He was a handsome creature, even in the dark. He had a proud face framed by long hair and he held himself with easy confidence. Spellbound looked up at him felt her exhaustion crash into her, every part of her body aflame with it. She began to cry quietly.

When it had died down to a sniffle, he spoke again.

“I would offer to take you away, take you somewhere you will be safe and comfortable but I have a feeling you would turn me down” His tone was grave.

Spellbound smiled shakily, agreeing without words.

“Then I can only give you my blessing. May your children be strong and resilient, may they know their own minds and not be swayed by others.”

She felt his blessing as a quiver down her spine and tears pricked at the corner of her eyes anew. “Thank you,” she sighed.

The stag eyed her thoughtfully for a moment.

“We create our own demons,” he mused eventually.

The sudden desire to laugh was caught in her chest, making her breath hitch. He was right, of course. Spellbound had chosen this. Chosen One would never have forced her, he was considerate and kind when he wasn’t purging the Swamp. So she had allowed it, she had allowed her heart to be swayed and she would accept the pain required for her to bring life into the world.

“What do you hope to gain?” The Legendary asked.

“I’m not sure,” Spellbound answered - but she knew it her heart that was a lie. She hoped to gain love and reason, to add something bright to the world. There had been so much wrong with how she had grown up, with who she was now tethered to. It seemed like her only chance was to start over, give everything to the little growing bodies in her belly.

The stag watched her and she was convinced again that he must be reading her mind but he said nothing else, simply nodded. No, bowed. Head dipping low, glowing eyes looking back up at her as if to say good luck.

Then he was gone.

Spellbound curled up against her brother to share his warmth and finally fell asleep.