Rain pressed a knuckle into his mouth to conceal his smile as Ko flitted off, startling the unamused worshippers. He wondered if the Gods really demanded such sober attitudes or if they grew bored with all the repetitive platitudes. His brow creased, he was really toeing the line on blasphemy these days. He glanced around surreptitiously, half expecting everyone in the Sanctum to have noticed his thoughts, but everyone behaved as if nothing was amiss. Rain swung his feet as he waited, he really should stay for a cleansing, it was the day for it, he had set aside the time... But if he was to be honest, he would much rather cavort about the town with Ko. He had spent his childhood cooped up, it was nice to spend time with someone who brought a little of that innocent magic back into the day. He was tired of being serious all the time, trying to decide what he was to do with his life. He watched one of the stately priests as they glided by and envied them the simplicity of their lives, being chosen as a child to serve the Gods must take out so much of the uncertainty. Surely they all seemed so sure of themselves and serene. Rain felt like his life had grown much too complicated.

He pushed his hair back and smiled as Ko reappeared, "Sounds great!" He hopped to his feet and made a grandiose bow, winking as he straightened. "Lead the way, Ko! I'm at your disposal while the still sun shines!"
