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[S] Wrathroot Brambles and Elevated Perspectives [Jak | Har]

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Miss Chief aka Uke

Rainbow Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:17 am
Jakkoa had gathered thus far that his cure, if there was any to be found, would inevitably be tied to Oban origins. Whether or not that would necessitate traveling there was another matter as of yet undecided, however, and at their most recent stop, Jakkoa happened upon what might be the beginnings of his answer. A book, in the possession of an older Talean woman for some reason making her home more or less alone in the crags but for a reasonably nearby village, from which he had heard of her to begin with.

She said she would trade it to him, for a price.

Fortunately for Jakkoa, who had little coin to spare for their travels to begin with, the cost wasn’t in silver or gold. Less fortunately, it wasn’t the easiest task set to be managed—but for a valuable good, he didn’t suppose that ought to have been suspected. He emerged from her hut—for it could be described as little else than that, crafted from lashed together sections of wood and stone and carved into the mountainside as it was—and into open day, shielding his eyes from the light as they adjusted.

Hargitt had been skeptical, perhaps, of making their way up to some old woman who likely oughtn’t be where she was for her own health—but he had followed just the same, seeing to it that Jak didn’t topple over a cliffside or get himself eaten by a wild beast in the in between if nothing else. Jakkoa found him still waiting outside on the mountain path.

“Well,” he announced, “it wasn’t a useless venture. But it may take remaining here a handful of days. She has what I was looking for, but to bargain for it, I am going to need to do some more climbing this morning…”

He eyed his company. It would likely be safer if he didn’t go alone, he could admit that to himself outright. But he had continued to watch Hargitt’s health and strength with more attention than before since the keldari incident, and while the man did seem more or less fully healed at least insofar as superficial observations went, it hadn’t been long enough to dispel a certain watchful concern that he still maintained. He didn’t want him overdoing it.

“You’re free to do as you please to pass the time, of course, but try not to over exert yourself…” His eyes strayed towards the cliffsides where he would need to begin gathering his first ingredient. “I’ll hope to return before nightfall and update you as to my progress.”  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:33 pm
The Only Black Uke

Hargitt was of little help in the 'research' aspect of their search. His lack of communication skills meant that he was severely limited in how he could actually assist Jakkoa, so for the most part Hargitt kept himself busy in other ways. He stayed close, however, in case he was needed; often time he would bring his supplies into town so that while Jakkoa talked he was free to haggle as best he could.

That isn't to say that he wasn't able to pick up his own bit of information regarding the Talean woman. The word 'witch' had been dropped enough times to make Hargitt curious, and when they spoke of where the supposed 'elderly' woman lived Hargitt had to wonder for her safety. How was a lone woman able to live in such a place, especially given her age? He'd brought the concerns up to Jakkoa, and while the townsfolk seemed happy enough to exchange her services for deeds, Hargitt had to wonder if her magic wasn't what kept things going. Whose to say that she didn't put out a smell to lure prey? Or a big wall to block out the cold weather?

Now you're imaging things. And daydreams weren't helpful.

He'd traveled with Jakkoa to her home, and remained outside. It was easy enough to busy himself; there were plenty enough arrows that needed tending to, several more than needed crafting and, when he wasn't kidding himself, several little odd jobs on her property that needed tending to. Evidently the Talean was found of cultivating flowers, but not a fan of pruning them and prepping for the winter; something of which Hargitt set about fixing. Soon enough the flowers led into brambles and before long Hargitt was performing landscaping duties all along the mountain path.

It wasn't a particularly hard activity, nor was it physically taxing. After his incident with the keldari Hargitt had tried to keep things as light as possible, but he had to admit, it actually felt good to do something after not being able to for so long. So, when Jakkoa came back he had a fine streak of dirt on his arms, but was relatively unharmed; save for a pleasant sort of vibe that seemed to cling to him.

"More climbing?" He furrowed his brows and made the move to stand. "How much further has she asked you to go?" Hargitt couldn't think for the life of him what other entity might live in these mountains, save for the serval and other such predators.

The more Jakkoa spoke, the more it bothered him. Was he truly thinking of leaving him behind? "I'm going." There was no way he would let Jakkoa go any further into these mountains by himself; if there had been another with them, then maybe, but by himself, in an area that wasn't familiar to either of them, chasing after something a....a witch wanted? Nope, not happening.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Miss Chief aka Uke

Rainbow Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:22 pm
Whatever Jakkoa had expected of Hargitt in the time it had taken him to converse with the mountain woman, ‘doing free chores’ was not on the list—though he supposed perhaps it ought to have been, given the man’s character. Huffing softly, he shook his head, reaching to dust his fingers over the streak of brown, ushering off as much excess dirt as he could.

“Yes, unfortunately,” he said, and nodded in partial gesture, pointing northward. “Wrathroot. It’s a hanging vine that grows along the underside of rock outcroppings among the cliffs. One of the villagers has an ailment that necessitates the herb, but she can’t make the trip herself. In exchange for that and a fortnight’s supply of meat, she will trade me her book…”

I’m going.

Jakkoa eyed the man. Having already admitted to himself he would be safer with the company, it was difficult to argue—and not a dispute likely to fall in his ‘favor’ either, if he attempted to insist on going alone. Still, he felt a splinter of unasked for concern and reached, pinching an area of skin near to the man’s waist to test his weight maintenance.

“You’re feeling well? No unexpected bouts of dizziness? Headaches? Light in your eyes, blurred vision? And you’ve been eating…” He had tried to make certain of that at least. “I won’t try to tell you I wouldn’t appreciate the back up, but if you’re feeling at all unwell I don’t want you risking yourself or the two of us for the sake of pride.”

Despite some time having passed and the topic having been at least loosely open since the encounter with the keldari, they had not delved back into either their argument or the invitation Jakkoa had made at the night’s end. Hargitt had his own way of going about things, and it wasn’t as though they had any shortage of time spent together however, so Jak had not felt any particular need to press.

He was, though, conscious of a particular breed of concern for the man that he didn’t exhibit for most. It was manageable, for the time being.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:56 am
The Only Black Uke

Hargitt 'shooed' Jakkoa's fingers away by moving his arms out of reach. There wasn't much point in cleaning off the dirt if they were just as likely to be soaked in stone dust by the end of the day. Besides, it helped to cover the scent of his sweat and that would likely be helpful in avoiding predators along the way.

Wrathroot? Hargitt furrowed his brow, thinking back on his Uncle's 'teachings', but ultimately drew a blank. It was an herb, which meant it couldn't be eaten on the path and wouldn't bring as much money in the market, thus, making it 'unworthy' of his Uncle's time. It was frustrating, but at least Hargitt could sleep at night knowing that his uncle was too ignorant to have specifically gathered any poisonous roots in an attempt at nepoticide.

A fortnight's supply of meat wasn't hard to come by, if one knew where to look. He would need to bring more arrows than usual, and a few extra satchels to carry the meat- Hargitt's torso jerked away from Jakkoa's pinching fingers, his mouth drawing in on a scowl. "You've seen me eat." Wasn't that enough? Admittedly he did scrimp around on breakfast and lunch from time to time, but at the very least Hargitt was making an effort to eat all of his evening meals within eyesight of Jakkoa. It was certainly more than he was used to, and steadily, he felt, he was making progress. Still....he had promised not to lie....Hargitt's shoulders slumped a little, his eyes dropping a little as he admitted, "...I have a headache, but it will pass."

Before he let the subject pass, however, Hargitt interjected, "...If you won't allow me to go with you, at least take someone from the village." Perhaps, like the Talean, the villagers would barter with them. One of their own for Hargitt? As much as he would rather go himself, he would rather not fight with Jakkoa on this, as it was likely to bring up....incidents, from that night in the tent, and Hargitt would rather not talk about that.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Miss Chief aka Uke

Rainbow Fairy

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:52 am
Yes, Jakkoa had ‘seen’ Hargitt eat, but it had not occurred to him beforehand that such a thing would be necessary to ascertain that he did and now he hardly trusted any meal he didn’t watch the man consume. Still…

I have a headache, but it will pass.

It seemed Hargitt was at least being forthright with him, and Jak hummed in thought, gold eyes skimming up the pass ahead again assessingly. While he wasn’t distinctly opposed to strangers, and there might have been the added benefit of new information if he’d persuaded a villager along—he shook his head.

“If it’s mild and passing, I wouldn’t be concerned yet, but do let me know if it worsens…and I suppose, if that is all you’re feeling, it would be quicker and more efficient if you come…” After another glance to Hargitt, Jakkoa decided it was probably just as well. He was surprised that Hargitt had offered compromise when, in this case at least, his was a reasonable concern, and truth be told, he would feel more comfortable with the man’s presence personally. He decided that did not require mentioning outright. “If there are complications we can always rest and resort to other measures.”

Hopefully there would not be a great deal of raw cliff climbing necessary, though given the nature of the plant, Jakkoa wasn’t optimistic that they’d avoid it entirely.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:53 pm
The Only Black Uke


Hargitt nodded his head, passively being as 'pleased' as he was likely to exhibit. There was the slightest tilt of his lips in a smile, one that was as assured as any he could show. He knew he would be monitored closely over the next couple of weeks, possibly months, but over time it would fade. Jakkoa couldn't watch him forever; he would eventually tire of it, find something new, and-

-and Hargitt found himself feeling a little conflicted about that. Right now he had Jakkoa's full attention, and as selfish as it was, he found he rather liked it. It was at odds with the part of his mind that wanted him to distance himself, and the whole thing left him with half a brain and a penchant for watching the hybrid a little longer than appropriate.

"I'll get the supplies." Hargitt turned away to a little spot near his 'gardening' area, and picked up his satchel, quiver and bow. He'd packed light on the assumption that they would only be meeting with an old woman. And while they would be doing a little more than anticipated he didn't find himself regretting it; the less he had to carry, the easier the climb.

When he was ready he canted his head toward the path, motioning Jakkoa to lead the way. "Do you climb often?"

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Miss Chief aka Uke

Rainbow Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:30 pm
“Some,” Jak said. “I wouldn’t say often.” He took point as Hargitt gestured, eyeing the slopes ahead as he did for anything promising that wouldn’t be too difficult to reach. “We kept to the paths as a family when we traveled, but there were of course opportunities for climbing…and sometimes I enjoy it for the privacy and view. You?”

Though he was a social person and no doubt more an extrovert than otherwise, and he didn’t consider himself the ‘type’ to take ‘long walks in nature’ to center himself, he still appreciated the natural environment he’d grown up in and from time to time found it relaxing to separate himself in it. And there was something undeniably thrilling about heights. Jakkoa wouldn’t have called himself a thrill seeker by any stretch, but he didn’t shy away from modest levels of risk, particularly involving activities he had grown up around, even if he had never strived specifically to excel at it.

He wasn’t sure what to expect of Hargitt’s experience. On the one hand, his had been a stationary family. But on the other, he had had experience in the wilds, Jak knew.

When they had made it to point in what currently sufficed as their ‘path’ which looked to be the nearest to an outgrowth of what he was looking for, Jakkoa paused, scoping the rocks for the best way up. “Did you bring rope? I think I can to this one myself without, but there’s another further up that might require more planning…”  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:10 am
The Only Black Uke

"I enjoy it when I can." He remembered being taught how by his father and elder brothers, then being overly criticized on his form by his Uncle. With his brothers it had always been a big game; who could go the fastest, who could go the furthest, and he knew that if one fell the others would catch him. With his Uncle there had never been that guarantee. "I like the views as well. It's easier to spot prey when you're higher up, and less likely to be disturbed." Hargitt found he rather climbing once his Uncle fell. Yuuria had grown skittish after that, and had demanded all climbing be done by his nephew. That was just fine with Hargitt; it was calmer there, and now he just enjoyed the peace that could be garnered by watching the sunset consume the land.

"I was teaching Tivis before we left. I wonder if my father is stepping in now or if he's given up?"
It was more a musing than an actual question, but Hargitt often worried for his youngest brother. The boy had been his personal charge whenever he was in, and he missed him.

"I did, but stay close. It's old." Hargitt ducked his head to dig through his pack, producing a length of sturdy rope. It was one of the many supplies he'd meant to purchase that day, but like many other things, it would just have to wait. His fingers easy started to twist and manipulate the rope into well known knots, shaping it into a sort of 'harness' that Jakkoa could slip into before working on his own.

"....What is it like? Having sisters?"
It strange, being the one to ask so many questions, but Hargitt found himself genuinely curious. The original intent for their journey was to find a cure for Jakkoa's younger sister, but that said little about how they interacted with one another. He'd garnered a taste for it before they left, but it wasn't nearly enough to sum up years of experience.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Miss Chief aka Uke

Rainbow Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:56 am
At the mention of Hargitt’s younger brother, Jakkoa couldn’t help the pang of—something, if not guilt precisely. He was the one keeping Hargitt out here, for his own and his sister’s interests above all else. Who was he to take Hargitt’s time when it could have been spent back home, with his own family?

But it only took a moment to dismiss the concern. It hadn’t been much on Jakkoa’s mind at the beginning of their arrangement, and in the end, it had been Hargitt’s choice to come, not otherwise. There had been no duress, he had only asked, and he had intended to leave regardless of whether or not it was this specific man in accompaniment or anyone at all. If Hargitt hadn’t wanted to be here, he wouldn’t, and Jak would have been anyway. It wasn’t his responsibility to weigh the merits of Hargitt’s decisions in retrospect.

Still, he understood what it was to miss family despite choices to make oneself more distant for a time…

What’s it like, having sisters?

Jakkoa blinked.

“‘Like?’” he repeated. “They’re…wonderful.” It was difficult to sum his feelings on his sisters or his experience growing with them into anything that could be shared in a matter of hours, let alone minutes. But, since Hargitt would be returning home to one and was likely curious for that reason, it felt pertinent to answer best he could. “They are both Sautian, after their mother and my father. In the earliest years…I think I may have been jealous of them myself, but it did not take long to differentiate them from my step-mother and feel that they were my sisters and mine as much as hers. Amarda was the first…and she is everything I think you would expect from a sister, sweet and gentle, excited for dance and music…I would write her songs, on occasion. Alise is the youngest, but she has always been more of a…” Jakkoa paused to consider, and smiled at a corner, “…rascal, I suppose. My father would joke she was more of a boy than I was at times, and I know he meant it in jest, but there is some truth to it I’m sure…”

When he first began to climb, Jakkoa felt a familiar flutter of adrenaline in his chest, though this would not even be an especially high one—it had still been too long.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:31 pm
The Only Black Uke

It had been a while since Hargitt had climbed with bare hands. Normally such ventures required light, flexible gloves, but he hadn't thought to bring any today. The stone was rough on his fingers, calloused as they were, though the cooling touch was a good sign. It would come in handy as their temperatures rose while climbing, and while not entirely comfortable now it would be a blessing later on.

He passively secured the strapping's, bags and various accouterments to his body as Jakkoa spoke. There wasn't any reason to trust the locals, so he would leave as little behind as possible, and the last thing Hargitt wanted was for his meager savings to fall off the cliffside.

He smiled a bit. It was obvious that Jakkoa cared for his siblings, as this trip was a sign of, but to hear him speak was another matter entirely. He hadn't asked much about them since their journey began; for one, it hadn't been entirely prudent and another...well, he'd been avoiding the man for a good bit due to sexual frustration and the like. There hadn't exactly been time for questions.

"I think...my family could benefit from dancing and music." It made him curious as to what kind of sister he would be getting. Parentage aside, whether they shared the same father or not, she would be his youngest sibling. A precious little bundle that Hargitt would guide as best he could. Tivis was sweet in his own ways and so full of life that Hargitt could only hope that same gentleness would rub off on her. Though, growing up on the farm would make her tough, especially having so many brothers...

Goddess, he hoped she didn't turn into a beast.

"I remember my mother talking about Alise. She liked her best; liked her spunk." As he climbed, Hargitt remembered. When he'd first returned his parents had been passively talking over the traveller's kids over supper and his mother had swooned over their luck in estrogen. A blessing, she'd called it, though his father was quick to shush such talk due to the illness plaguing his friend's daughter.

Be glad you have so many healthy sons.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

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