“You don’t need to worry,” Peep said.

The Kiokote doe shuffled in place, looking anywhere but at the Legendary, her gaze instead focusing on the hustle and bustle that was normal to The Mother’s Club.

“I know,” Thorn muttered.

Her side had just begun to swell noticeably, plump around the edges, a new glow to her cheeks. But she wasn’t smiling, hadn’t smiled once since she had arrived. There was an edge to her, a wariness.

Peep waited her out, patient, quiet.

Three foals cavorted past, laughing.

“And I can leave them here?”

The Kiokote asked the question stiffly, as if expecting judgement, though this was the last place in the world where she would find such a thing.

“Of course,” Peep assured. “They will be raised with love and care, under my eye.”

“It’s not... it’s not that I don’t like children,” Thorn hurried to explain, unnecessary for Peep but something that the Kiokote clearly needed to do. “And I have family who would... take care of them, if I asked, but I think they would do better here.” She swallowed, head turned away from the Acha. “It seems nice.”

“You could stay too?” Peep ventured softly.

Thorn shook her head, a vigorous motion. “No.”

Then she huffed. “Maybe... I will come and visit.”

Peep smiled. “That is fine too.”

Thorn let out a sigh, a big sound of relief. “Well, I will come back when it’s nearly time.”

“Before you go,” Peep approached, nudged the Kiokote until she turned her head and finally let their gaze meet. “May they be healthy and full of joy, carefree and inclined towards understanding.”

“Thank you.”


She returned when her belly was full, an older Acha at her side. He took two prancing steps to her every one, head craned to look up. Thorn stared straight ahead, her face lined with determination, and only the flicker of her ear showing she was listening to her companion.

The Acha was talking, animatedly, giving little expressive tosses of his head. As Peep approached the duo, meeting them halfway, some of his words floated to her on the wind: ‘father... good... mother... please.’

They met in the middle. Thorn halted. The Acha danced on the spot.

Peep smiled.

“Welcome back,” she said.


The Acha jumped in, quick as a shot. “Please tell my daughter that she should have her children closer to their family. I am being deprived of grandfatherly joy.”

“You don’t even care for your own children,” Thorn snapped.


Peep hummed softly. “You are welcome to visit them here but it is Thorn’s choice where she lays her eggs.”

He frowned and huffed.

Thorn sighed, pressed her bulk against his side. “We will both visit them. But it is better this way.”

Every Rose had to concede defeat, though he did grumble a little as Peep led Thorn to her own secluded grove. He didn’t perk up until Thorn had settled down, legs tucked beneath her swollen belly.

“So,” he asked Peep, a twinkle in his eyes, “where is the handsome fellow?”