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I swear, sometimes I'm not sure I ever stopped my naming dream I Walk in Dreams thought to herself with a bit of a cross eyed expression. In her constant wanderings, she was used to being alone most of the time. But not.. Alone alone for as long as she had been, with only her Frog, Missed Kisses, and Seeking Across the Sky, the eaglehound, her only company. And even then, Sky frequently trotted off to get some food for days at a time, leaving only her frog companion, who usually spent time resting in the crook of the octopedian style mantle on the back of her head.

This journey had been the longest she's seen any other kin, or really any animals of interest. Just walking. Nothing to really look at, nothing to really do but walk and think.

Think and walk.

And not much to actually think about, with nothing really to spark a memory or give her any sort of idea to think of, so mostly her thoughts consisted of groaning about how dull it was and how bored she was.

"Uuugh" Dreamwalker practically grunted, taking in a quick breath of air to let out forcefully after. She wasn't exactly the most social of Kin, being a bit of an introvert, but even she needed some sort of interaction after months of walking without other kin around.

"I must be stuck in some sort of "eternally walking" Dream or some sort." Came one thought, spoken out loud in her usual monotonous groan, since she needed to hear something than the occasional chirp of birdsong, "Maybe next time I find kin, I should actually ask to join them on Their journey. Better than being constantly alone." came another.

Though that thought made her pause in her steps, feet squelching in the moist earth, overwhelmed with emotion, though most wouldn't be able to see it in her face, her eyes and nose tightening slightly as if she had scented something that was an affront to her senses, as she realized she was lonely, and actually somewhat unhappy with her lifestyle of isolation. She liked talking about dreams with other kin: The dreams behind their names, the ones they had that night, what the dreams could possibly mean or symbolize, what their dreams for the future were. Even the most boring and 'standard' dream was of interest to her.

But... She couldn't hear of other kin's dreams always wandering alone. She traveled alone mostly so she could see new things and find small groups, be non-threatening as she approached, and join for small moments to hear of their dreams. But most found her resting grump face or how her head pulsed on its own 'unnerving' - perhaps if she had a small group of friends, they could help point out things she hadn't seen, and introduce her to others so they wouldn't be intimidated by her seemingly grumpy expression.

"Maybe" Dreamwalker mused as she continued walking, looking around at the trees and the swamp and the muck as if it was new, "Maybe I DO actually need to change my lifestyle... Seek out, Some tribe to join, or maybe a group wanting a travel partner.. Or even just a single kin to most of the time with, wandering together."

It was at least, food for thought.

Prompt: a long, monotonous journey still leaves you room to think