It was quite the funny predicament One Day More found herself in. Often she had longed for adventure, for some greater calling in her life. Adventure in the great wide world. What she hadn't expected that adventure to be was motherhood. Not that she was going to raise the young, exactly.
It was just that she was bringing them into the world, then handing them off. The other doe- Incandescent, her name had been- would be a good mother, she was certain of it. So why, then, was she so nervous? One Day More trotted along the worn path, hoping that something would come to her.
Something to set her troubled mind at ease.

The swan found her wandering the swamp, and as she was called to do, Roses in Bloom descended upon the doe. Wings became hooves, and she stood before the red doe, a smile upon her features.

"Hello there, little one!" She chirped in greeting, tail swishing in delight. Another set of new lives for the swamp, and as it always did, it filled Roses in Bloom with delight. She sat across from the other doe, gesturing for her to sit with her. When she did, Roses in Bloom hummed in delight, looking down to her.

"And may I say, congratulations! You've little ones to come, yes?"

One Day More was stunned by the swan turning into a doe, and gave a disoriented squawk, lumbering over to where the legendary sat and joining her. Awkward and strange did not begin to even cover it. Her throat felt oddly thick as she looked the stranger over, and managed a mute nod, then looked to the ground.

"There's, um. A couple? They're... committed to each other. No other lovers, I think. They wished to have little ones of their own, only were unable to. So I, um. Offered. And I guess you're who I'm looking for?"

What a tender, wonderful story. A tear came to Rose's eye, and she sniffled gently, smile growing even wider.

"How very kind of you, sweet one. And what is it that they wish- and you wish, too, as a part of that story- for the children?"

"Um. Happiness, I suppose. Happiness, a good life, stuff like that. I don't... really know what to ask here."

Roses in Bloom laughed, then nodded, a twinkle in her eye.

"Then I wish for their happiness and health. That is my blessing I offer you," she replied, repeating the doe's words. Roses in Bloom offered a nuzzle, a gentle thing of reassurance, and stood once more.

"You are very kind to them, little one! Remember you are doing a wondrous thing!" With that, she was off, on wings once more, to find the other parents-to-be of the swamp.