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Retirement is always ones goal, especially for those who work within the company. It's one reason why they chose to keep their loyalty not only because of the benefits, but because they've been treated as equally amongst each other and amongst their superiors.

"Today, we're here to honor our most distinguished employees for their dedication in the company's focus towards safety and security. They're like all others before them and all after,with duty, loyalty, and perseverance, they've helped shaped the very path we all tread to ensure that humanity will be able to have a better future not only for us or themselves, but to
the ones they love and the ones we love.

There are still those who've got a long ways to go, but in their wake, the world will be shaped towards a utopia that even our next generation can live on in peace and prosperity.

Even though we achieve our tranquility, our security, our goal, that won't make us appear weak or pathetic; we would become strong to where we know our differences, to where we know that the conflicts we procure won't solve our issues. We're not weak, we're not monsters, aliens, or warmongers, we're only human who wants nothing more than to see our children, our friends, our family, to see them thrive in a world that our ancestors wished for, to achieve their long term goal.

Mourn not for those who have reached their adventure with us, they'll always be around so that you can share a drink with and when we reach the end of our adventure, they'll always be there so that we can catch up on old times and remember the best and worst moments we've gone through.

So from everyone who still have a long ways to go, thank you for your service, thank you for being our friends, and we wish you luck in your next chapter.

Thank you and God bless." - Former U.S. Chairman Douglass H. Wyatt

Retirement, one that someone who knows that they're in good hands would see their retirement come and they'll continue on until they've done their part.

Once they've reached their final years, the only place to seal it all is the Letterman Tunnel.

Although it was first used as the main entrance to the facility, it has always a heavy traffic area until the Compass Gates were built. The tunnel never found much use and was scheduled to be decommissioned until the 98s, during that time a project group have decided their the number of success their work has produced was enough for them to retire from and they
wanted to throw a final celebration for their retirement.

They thought of using the gardens as the place of where they would celebrate; some of them noted that it'd be too crowded on their last day.

They thought just celebrating at their barracks but one of them stated that he'd rather pack up now until one of their younger peers asked of using the tunnel as the place to celebrate. It's not entirely crowded but there have always been moments when some of their co-workers have set up their own little celebrations there and their project leader liked the idea.

To leave through the same tunnel you've walked through on your first day. To return from your voyage through an unknown world more wiser than before, to mark a new chapter, to start another adventure. After that, the Letterman Tunnel has found a new use, the origin of where they all started from, where the end begins.

Those who've reached their time go through the tunnel and once they've reached the end, they'd go on to become the worlds greatest.

That'd be another case if someone suddenly went back into the tunnel, because time can't think straight, neither can it track those who enter it. The only problem is that these are incidents that are kept under the rug, because in most cases, those who go back into the facility would end up brain dead because their conscience has left their bodies.

Psychological or not, automation or not, there's nothing to do about the tunnel, nothing to solve, nothing to fix, the only thing I can think of is that if someone forgotten something, they should contact administration to have someone retrieve whatever it is they forgot to bring. Having a security detail on the other side would also help prevent re-entry.

As for those who are brain dead, I can deduce that they can help understand in providing a live body for an artificial mind.