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(( #FF7D6F // darkcyan ))

Carnation had met a lovely, and very colorful doe, and they'd spent some time together. When he returned home, Carnation had told his mother all about her, and his mother had said he should seek out a legendary and ask for a blessing. Just to be sure all went well should the time result in children. Carnation had not considered children, so he agreed and decided he'd find Beansprout after and stay with her until they were sure. His mother told him where she had found the stag who'd blessed both her clutches, and Carnation went on his way.

When he was nearly there, he stopped to gather an offering. He gathered a few large leaves, and used a hollowed out tree stump to make a sort of packet. He filled it with berries and a bird egg. Gathering the edges he picked up the packet and continued on down the path.

He'd been closer than he realized, and very shortly the path ended in a clearing. With a very unusual pond in it, a crane walking through it and playing with bones. Not that he could see they were bones, but his mother had told him. There were a few other familiars running around, but what caught Carnation's attention was a stag.

Stepping closer, he sets down the offering, and clears his throat. "Hello. I came to ask for a blessing. I brought you a gift, berries and a bird egg." Carnation grins sheepishly, he hadn't meant to blurt that all out before proper introductions. "I'm Carnation. Sorry if I did that out of order, I'm just excited and nervous and wanna get back to Beansprout." he blurts out, cringing a bit and wondering if he's messing things up.

Fish Bones looks up and smiles, nodding reassuringly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Fish Bones. And don't worry, it's completely understandable."

"To be honest I don't even know if Beansprout is expecting, but my mother said I should seek you out just in case, because you never know and it's best to be safe than sorry." Carnation isn't even sure why he's talking, giving way more information than is needed but he can't seem to shut his mouth. Finally the words stop and he stands there blushing even pinker than his normal colors.

Fish Bones just listens patiently and nods, agreeing with Carnation's mother's idea. "May your children be full of joy." he says.

Carnation grins and prances in place, "Thank you! Thank you! Have a wonderful day and thank you again!" he says, before turning and trotting off. Time to find Beansprout and see if they're gonna be parents.