The idea is thatmy character is a guy who just had a nasty break up withthe woman he had thebiggest crush on. Turns out she had not felt the same and dumped him, which pretty much crushed his heart. Wishing to feel better, the male decides to travel and get some miles under his belt. He also decided to go to a foreign land, a town thats in the flux between old world and new. They have tech and social media and such, but still have farmers and small markets, as well as a king and queen of the land. One day, Cody was walking along when his GPS started to mess up, and he lost the route when he was looking around. He cut through an alley way by a tavern when a shoe fell next to him. Looking up he sees a woman holding onto a bedsheet rope that was too short. Shewas panicing but let out a scream as she lost her grip, lucky for her Cody tried to catch and ended up breaking her fall. After both asked each other if they were okay, she askes him to help her see the town. Confused, he agrees and they have a time around town.

What Cody doesnt realize is that ______ is the princess to the royal family which due to secrecy, no one knew what she looked like. Due to being raised in a castle and as an isolated princess she had some things to learn about normal life. After spending time together, even helping her sneak out a couple of days, feelings form but then a couple of men try to kidnap ______. Cody doesnt know still unless something else happened before but as far as he knows that _____ was just a random woman, not the princess. When they get attacked, Cody defends her from the horrible men or at least holds them off long enough for her royal guard to arrive. The king also arrives and demands to know why Cody kidnapped her, but the princess reveals she was taken, she was seing Cody because she has chosen him to be her arranged marriage that must be done soon.