Name: Klafthmós Nykterída (Klaff-mos Nik-ter-ree-da)

Age: 1900 (Looks 24)

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Sky blue

Hair Color: Black

Hair Length: Short and wavy but very well kept

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 160 lbs.

Scars/Tattoos: He has a tattoo of a crying woman on his back

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Ethnicity: Greek

Marital/Relationship Status: Single

Species: Dhampir (Tear drinking cousin of the vampire)

>Super human strength, speed and endurance
>Feeds off of the tears of the living
>A mesmer that acts as a hypnotic trance
>Immortality in so far as aging
>Improved senses
>Improved healing and immunity to diseases

Personality: Kind, generous, traditionalist, above it all, tends to think of everyone as children regardless of their age, studious, reserved.

Bio: Klafthmós was born long ago to a mother and a father who were exiled from Greece for being monsters. He was raised to fear and respect the old gods and to pay them homage for his continued existence. Skip forward to his youth at 300 years of age and he was living it up in the old world. He and his parents took advantage of the fact that their kind were much less well know to the general populace than their cousins. After all their feeding was much less conspicuous and they could freely roam about during the day. He learned all he could absorb, quickly becoming proficient with the things he learned. As he grew up he kept learning more things, quickly becoming more encyclopedia than man. He grew bored of Europe when he was 563 so he went off on his own and explored Asia. From there he moved on to Africa when he was 1000 years old and studied the cultures there. 340 years later he set off to the new world on a Spanish ship and landed in South America where he learned the ways of many of their native people before they died out. A hundred years after that he traveled north to the other colonies and learned from their natives as well. He spent another 200 years in North America before moving on to the continent/island cluster that was then known as Australia. He spent 100 years there and even helped fight in the second world war. After that he decided to wander around the world for another 74 years leading him to the present day. He travels frequently and tries to teach world history in any schools that will let him.

○ Culture
○ Art
○ History
○ Music
○ People who are in touch with their emotions
○ Learning
○ Teaching
○ Traveling

● Staying in one place for too long
● Loud people
● Uneducated people who believe themselves to be special when they are not
● Dealing with people in general
● Those who look down on him due to his appearance.

>He has a perfect memory since he was never human to begin with.
>He is a Polyglot and can speak almost every language on earth.
>He is a gifted musician
>He is a great chef
>He can forge documents with ease after having centuries of practice
>He has several centuries of combat training and experience, being well versed in many types of combat and weapons
>He is a master at several games including Pai Sho, Go, Chess and Star Craft, among many others.

Body Type: Slender and limber. (His strength doesn't come from how toned or big his muscles are.)

Health: Perfect when he is well fed.

Strengths: He is a master of combat and strategy as well as gifted in speech craft. His Dhampiric abilities don't hurt either as they make him much more hardy than the average man.

Weakness: He can be killed the same as any human can. He can be starved, drowned, burned, stabbed, etc. He will age if he doesn't feed on tears for a long enough time so he can even die of old age.

What you look for in a partner: Someone who won't mind being with a monster.