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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

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[Big Cat Rider] Tosk of Bronze Ussurianth [Approved]

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Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2019 7:44 am
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Name: Tostokki 'Tosk'
Age: 19
Nameday: 3557.12.12
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: N/A
Rank: Bodyguard, hired muscle, low-rank smuggler
Location: Rivercrest Hold formerly, now Western Weyr

Physical Description:
A tall, behemoth of a fellow, Tosk stands at 6’5, with a muscular figure to rival boulders or large trees. He is hulking. He redefines the term hulking. He must have hit an early growth spurt, or something, because he’s just massive. At any rate, the first thing people notice is how big and imposing Tostokki appears, because he is just that. Big and imposing. Big-boned and physically adept, there is nothing subtle or delicate about him.

Graced with the family treasure of platinum blond hair, Tosk keeps it short, though it naturally falls in slightly tousled waves away from his face. An oval shaped face, an angular jaw and high cheekbones give him a more mature look, enhanced perhaps by his almost-permanently dour expression. His long nose has seen one fight too many, and is now permanently bent. He insists on being clean-shaven (though his siblings suspect it is because he cannot grow a full beard yet). Tosk is heterochromatic: his left eye is a bright green, whilst his right eye is a striking blue. A light scar traces his left cheekbone.

Pale-skinned, he burns easily in the western sun, but is fortunate enough to peel and tan thereafter. He dresses in neutral colours- preferring layers of black, brown and white. His demeanour is one of distant aloofness, and he has a tendency to just… lurk when in unfamiliar company. It is difficult not to notice him, try as he might to be invisible.

Even amongst his beloved siblings, Tostokki is somewhat rigid and unsmiling, though he means well beneath the layers of forced maturity and responsibility. He is a level-headed young man who takes calculated risks to provide for his family, determined to give everything to ensure their safety and future. He is notoriously cold amongst his peers and colleagues, capable of dispassionate anger and merciless judgement. Cynical and skeptical of good intentions, he takes a long time to warm up to strangers, preferring silence to small-talk and cooperating on a need-only basis. He is content in his life of good little minion, happy as long as his boat isn’t being rocked.

Tosk’s world is very black and white. Moral ambiguity is something that needs to be pointed out and explained to him, otherwise he tends to believe first impressions and his own suspicious judgement of others, which he is quick to pass. Due to his upbringing, he has seen the worst in people and expects the worst to come to pass. He protects himself by guarding his innermost emotions and thoughts very diligently. Very rarely will he let anyone into his inner circle, and very rarely will he confide in anyone but his siblings (and even they must sometimes draw blood from a stone).

Beneath Tosk’s coldness is a fierce and loving heart. He is more than willing to sacrifice his life for the welfare of his siblings. He will engage in risky and illegal behaviour (of the smuggling variety) to provide marks, food and board for his family. He is protective to the point of being overly intrusive, especially towards their youngest and only sister. He manages the household logistics with an ease that has come with Turns of practice, obstinately refusing to share the burden. The young man will burn the candle at both ends, if he must. It is his saving grace that he does not sicken easily, even if he does end up in a number of physical altercations…

Having separated his emotional side from his day-to-day demeanour, Tosk is quite dispassionate in most of his work. He is not a person easily trusted by those he works with- he is hired as pure muscle because he is muscular, and because his silence and aloofness promises discretion. The belief is that he is good at his work- not that he is a good person. Calculating, Tosk will weigh the risks of entering a fight before jumping in, never willing to put himself into some foolish situation over somebody else’s misfortune. He can be merciless and pitiless, hard to sway and harder still to bribe: his own thoughts and feelings matter more than any sob story some deadglow tries to sell him. People do not seek him out in an effort to befriend him, but out of a respect for the physical power he wields, and the competence with which he wields it.

He quite likes solitude, though he adores the company of his siblings and will be content enough working with those who do not push his buttons too much. He has a limited amount of patience, but his anger is cold and quiet. He deals with bothersome people with a cold scowl or by simply leaving the situation entirely. When it comes to more menial labour, he is ox-like in his persistence and endurance, unwilling to relent until the job is done. It doesn’t matter how long it takes him- he’s got all day and night. Not one to give up, he takes his duties to his family and his reputation very seriously.

Positive Trait List Devoted - Selfless - Responsible
Negative Trait List Cold - Dispassionate - Untrusting

The firstborn son of the holdless bandit leader Toskarr and his fearful yet cunning wife Kiriki, Tostokki spent the first eight Turns of his life learning from the holdless amidst whom he was born. Thieving seemed to be their main talent, for the most part. Ambushes were clever battle plans to amuse a child at night- a child who was not aware of the serious real world ramifications of said plans. Wooden sword-fights led into concerted blade practice and maintenance. Lockpicking was a fun past-time. And each Turn, he seemed to have a new sibling to play with. Kiriki miscarried her fifth child, and after that there were no more brothers or sisters: but with three others, Tosk never felt alone, even when the adults left them in their cave-base to conduct their business.

Things changed when he turned eight. He was woken from an afternoon nap by his frantic mother, who was ushering them out of the cave and onto one of the small wagons they owned. “Go,” she told them, face stricken with fear and panic. Some of their folk were limping back to camp, their injuries severe, “get to Rivercrest. You know where it is, child?” And Tosk nodded mutely, glancing at his brothers to make sure his sister was safe in their arms, before snapping the whips to the frenzied runner and escaping from their home. Whatever had happened… it was serious. And Kiriki had seen the opportunity to send her children away, hopefully towards a better life and future.

Details of the failed ambush trickled into Rivercrest some months later. The story went, apparently, that some Holdless had attacked a caravan that was under the protection of a dragonrider, and the dragonrider had repelled them, 'fighting valiantly in self-defence', they claimed. The casualties had been numerous, supposedly on both sides. Tosk didn’t know which of his extended Holdless family had survived: none had made it to Rivercrest so far, at least.

When the four siblings had first arrived at the glitzy, glamorous Hold, nobody had spared them a second glance- just four more beggars for the streets, really. No one attached any importance to their arrival, which was preferable. The eldest was learning just how different Hold society was to the camp in which he had grown up

Tosk took things into his own hands. It was a boon, perhaps, that he was remarkably tall and burly for his age. He rallied his siblings around him, and with their talents (pickpocketing and persuasion), they survived the streets until they had enough marks to afford a room of their own in which to board. At age ten, the young man took up work as a lookout for a group of semi-reputable smugglers. The second-eldest brother, Kitori, aged nine, found a position as an apprentice entertainer with a high-class companion house, graced with a combination of good looks and charm. The third brother, Kitokki, was given the task of caring for little Toskarra, and he took an interest in smithwork in his spare time. As precocious Toskarra grew up, she developed a passion for singing and playing the lyre, becoming an apprentice harper.

Life was not easy, but each sibling found purpose, bound ever closer together by their need to survive and their need to protect each other. Tosk, as the eldest, saw it as his ultimate duty. The Turns came and went with no news from his mother, and he could only assumed she had perished in the attack. He developed a deep, unspoken undercurrent of bitterness towards riders- though this shifted in his fifteenth Turn, when Thread returned once more. Devastation rained down upon the world, though the four survived.

Tostokki took odd jobs where physical fitness was necessary, not entirely certain he had the booksmart intelligence necessary to apprentice. His sister taught him his letters and numbers, but even they were difficult, and she made him feel his lack of cleverness in comparison to her own shining brilliance. He was a reliable figure amongst the smuggling crew, though he point blank refused more dangerous jobs on the basis that he didn’t need them. Some higher-ranking fancy-pants folk would occasionally hire him as a bodyguard, or to protect their brothel or drinking hole or somesuch. He would work on construction sites as a basic labourer if his usual work was in a drought. On multiple occasions, he attempted to persuade Kitori from his path as entertainer-come-companion, highlighting the creativity and diligence of Kitokki’s work, or the shining accolades Toskarra was earning as a blossoming apprentice harper (though he refused to send her to Fort’s harper hall, even at her journeyman’s continued insistence). Minor family strife was often forgotten in the face of their bonds of love and loyalty to each other.

Thus they continued, vaguely aware of the clutches and the queens rising at the nearby Weyr, wholly unconcerned, for the most part, with the goings-on of dragons and the folks they looked to. Though Tosk still remembers the day of blood and dragon roars, he chooses not to dwell on it, separating himself from his past life and cleaving to this new hard-won one instead.

O'dyn is the dragonrider who protected the caravan from bandits.

Siblings will be written up as adoptables soon!

  • Mother: Kiriki {deceased}
  • Father: Toskarr {deceased}
  • Brother: Kitori 'Kito' {-1}
  • Brother: Kitokki 'Toki' {-2}
  • Sister: Toskarra 'Skarra' {-3}

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Yes
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No


Bronze Ussurianth
Written by Uta
Colored by Uta

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Origin of Name:
Ussurianth's name comes directly from the river where Siberian tigers were known to be sighted, as well as one of the its alternative names. The Siberian tiger was also called Amur tiger, Manchurian tiger, Korean tiger, and Ussurian tiger, depending on the region where individuals were observed.

The Ussuri River or Wusuli River, runs through Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krais, Russia, and the southeast region of Northeast China. It rises in the Sikhote-Alin mountain range, flowing north and forming part of the Sino-Russian border (which is based on the Sino-Russian Convention of Peking of 1860) until it joins the Amur River as a tributary to it at Khabarovsk.

Inspiration: Tiger
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest species among the Felidae and classified in the genus Panthera. It is most recognisable for its dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. It is an apex predator, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and wild boar. It is territorial and generally a solitary but social predator, requiring large contiguous areas of habitat, which support its requirements for prey and rearing of its offspring. Tiger cubs stay with their mother for about two years, before they become independent and leave their mother's home range to establish their own.

The tiger once ranged widely from Eastern Anatolia Region in the west to the Amur River basin, and in the south from the foothills of the Himalayas to Bali in the Sunda islands. Since the early 20th century, tiger populations have lost at least 93% of their historic range and have been extirpated in Western and Central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and in large areas of Southeast and South Asia and China. Today's tiger range is fragmented, stretching from Siberian temperate forests to subtropical and tropical forests on the Indian subcontinent and Sumatra. The tiger is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List since 1986.

Historically, the Siberian tiger was considered to be the largest tiger. Historical Siberian tigers and Bengal tigers were the largest ones, whereas contemporary Siberian tigers are on average lighter than Bengal tigers.

The tiger is among the most recognizable and popular of the world's charismatic megafauna. It featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore and continues to be depicted in modern films and literature, appearing on many flags, coats of arms and as mascots for sporting teams. The tiger is the national animal of India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South Korea.

Personality: For being a bronze, Ussurianth is less loud-and-proud, and a little bit more secretive-and-aloof. He is the sort of bronze that draws the eye naturally due to his beauty, but also because he is a mystery. He doesn't need to speak up or strut; he doesn't need to gloat, or talk up his accomplishments. No, Ussurianth simply knows how great he is, and it matters not what anyone else thinks of him.

Thankfully, he isn't a vain dragon, or arrogant--at least no more than any other bronze. Instead, this dragon is decisive. There is no room to waffle over what to do. Ussurianth sees the world in black-and-white, right and wrong, good and evil. If a decision has to be made, he will make it without hesitation; if someone isn't sure what to do, he will tell them; and if he needs to pick a path, you can bet he will do so without fear. Whether right or wrong, Ussurianth follows what he thinks is best, and isn't the sort to waffle.

Strong of body, strong of mind, Ussurianth can take quite a hit--and give one in return. He is built much like a brick, a bit heavier than some bronzes, but with stamina in droves. This mimics him emotionally, too; there is very little that gets under his skin, or draws out his ire. Ussurianth will easily be there to lift up or encourage his rider during their time of need; anyone who is emotionally distressed will always find a strength and encouragement in Ussurianth. He is wise in his own way, but don't be fooled--there is always something in his kindness that will benefit this bronze.

For Ussurianth is still a bronze at heart, and naturally does crave to be at the top of the food-chain. While he doesn't say so loudly, his rider will know that Ussurianth often sees himself well at the top of any situation, and will force his way there if necessary. Everything he does often is done for a reason, and he has no problem using his fellow clutchmates and weyrmates as if they were pawns on a board-game. Though this bronze doesn't consciously think of them as such, he doesn't often make a move without some internal purpose behind it. As he grows, especially if his rider doesn't keep his dragon in check, Ussurianth will have no trouble using others, or manipulating them to his wiles. He's not a bad dragon, he just often thinks of his needs, and the needs of his riders, first. And why shouldn't he? Life isn't fair, and if Ussurianth doesn't fight and take, someone else will.

Quiet and secretive in nature, Ussurianth isn't the sort to go out of his way to make friends; instead, they will come to him, or be drawn towards his aloof ways. He is a bit more reserved than some, though he won't object to company (particularly if they're pretty or useful). He simply won't force his way into the limelight like some of his more vocal cluthmates, or strut proudly like some of the rest. No, those who want to get to know Ussurianth will need to approach and hope they have something worthwhile to say. Besides which, as a bronze with his own secrets, a distanced lifestyle suits him, as it will take longer for others to realize his sincerity might be less genuine (and more self-serving) than it seems.

Positive Traits: Strong, Decisive, Patient
Negative Traits: Self-Centered, Manipulative, Secretive

Charcoal Egg: A large egg at the back of the clutch. This one is very guarded but every now and then, you get the feeling you're being watched.

Adult Size: 44'
Physical Attributes: Ussurianth is a solidly built bronze. He's a large bronze, though by no means the largest, but that doesn't seem to bother him or cut into his confidence. He has shorter limbs than some of his fellow dragonkin, and might even be a bit heavier than some of his more sleek companions--but he is strong. This dragon knows how to take a hit, and physically, is quite capable. He has great amounts of stamina, and won't tire easily whether on foot or on wing.

Additional Notes: Ussurianth is an independent bronze. He is opportunistic, and won't shy away from any lady's attention--or even a males, if he found them pretty enough. That said, he isn't the sort to be tied-down and it would take an exceptional dragon indeed to capture his hearts solely, if it were to ever happen. He is not particularly paternal, and if he ever fathers a clutch he won't hesitate to leave the nurturing up to the queen.

As a Threadfighter, Ussurianth will be quite dependable. His aloof nature doesn't make him the most outspoken of dragons, but he serves with honor, and doesn't hesitate to jump into battle. He's patient (if a bit strong-willed) around others, reliable during times of trouble, and dedicated to being a good Threadfighter. If he has the itch to lead, he knows how to bide his time and wait.

Impression Effect: Tostokki will find his coldness is more easily melted. While he might have separated his emotions before Impression, and been merciless in demeanor, with Ussurianth's eternal support, love, and power, Tostokki has no need to be as extremely guarded. And as a weyrling and rider, connecting emotionally with both his dragon and his fellows is imperative.

Why Me? Ussurianth was immediately drawn to Tostokki when the Candidate touched his egg. The man is aloof and private, something that this bronze certainly appreciates; he wasn't interested in someone loud, proud, and flashy; he wasn't interested in someone who would want to stand out in a crowd. That said, with Ussurianth at his side, Tostokki is going to find that he'll be centered around a good deal of attention, even at Western Weyr. He's going to find himself in many situations that might well force him to speak up and speak out; he's no longer going to be allowed to be detached from the world--but he needn't worry. While the blonde might have little patience, Ussurianth has enough for the both of them; he will be able to help calm and soothe any irate feelings that could well cloud Tostokki's head or judgment. Where Tostokki might refrain from action, Ussurianth won't and he will force the boy's world view to open up.

This man may have once only let his family in, but now he has Ussurianth and all of Western Weyr to call home. This bronze will be a balm on the others mistrustful soul, whether Tostokki notices it or not. No man is an island, after all, and even the aloof and quiet Ussurianth needs to let others in. He will try to show Tostokki exactly how useful getting in on various social circles can be, though his rider might well have enough sense to keep Ussurianth's games or use of others in relative check. Tostokki's selfless nature will certainly even out his bronze's preference for doing things that only serve them; he will keep Ussurianth grounded, and keep him from turning into a complete self-serving beast.

Ultimately, Ussurianth sees more than hired muscle in the man; he sees a partner, a friend, an equal. Someone who the Weyr can come to depend upon, and together, they can do the most good. Where Tostokki might not have any drive or ambition, Ussurianth has long-term plans, and that means ensuring they are ready to fight Thread, and carve a name out for themselves. Tostokki's responsible enough to handle the future Ussurianth hopes to bring them, and together, they will be unstoppable.
PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 4:52 pm

This reads well... right up until the point where the dragonrider sought vengeance. The issue I'm having here is it sounds like not only did the rider kill the responsible party/ies, s/he also killed enough people for casualties to be numerous. That is a big issue. We have stated before that although there is a lot of room for morally grey behavior straight up murdering people in this way just isn't something a rider can do without consequence. At minimum, they would have a really big problem by way of their dragon not being okay with it. At the worst, they might lose their dragon.

There are strong consequences for a rider who kills like that, or even a rider who hurt a lot of people. If they happened to be a Weyr rider and this was discovered, they would face severe disciplinary action, and might find themselves Weyrless - no doubt unwelcome in any Weyr. As a general rule, excepting some of the grittier Holds such as Rivercrest, Bitra, and Nabol, murder is anathema to the Pernese, even in EoP.

This is reading really well and I don't want this particular snag to dampen your excitement for Tosk, so please let me know if there's anything I can assist you with to try to tweak this so that it will work in the setting. I know it's confusing when we've allowed other instances that read similarly on paper, but there are definitely some factors that distinguish the difference. Even if the rider didn't actually kill anyone, going after them in this way would be a major foul.


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:10 am
Hey Cheri!

I've edited the portion of the history that referred to a direct measure of revenge-seeking.

I've also rectified some of O'dyn's history, as discussed in DMs. =]

I've tried to clarify, as much as I can, that whilst O'dyn may have been aggressive in his fighting, it was in self-defence. I hope that it still reads as him being brought low by the death of his wife and caravan-kin, as well as having lost an eye in the fight. He reattaches to the Weyr as a way to focus and move past his loss, throwing himself into work and dealing with the aftermath of the tragedy to the best of his ability.

As for Tosk, he would not have witnessed the dragonrider fighting, but saw that there were a few very injured Holdless that made it back to their base camp. His resourcefulness and determination to protect his siblings would still manifest following their arrival in Rivercrest, even if he wasn't certain if their mother (or other Holdless) had survived or not.

Let me know if there is anything else I can edit here, to fit the vision of EoP that you have. =] Thanks for your help!  
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 2:31 pm

That works! Approved. Also approve re: new changes to O'dyn. All sorted.


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

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