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[ A Journey to the Northwinds ]

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Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:44 pm
Lahlil's confrontation with her Mother. Set just after becoming Hokage.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:02 pm
Clothes were thrown about in every direction as Lahlil found herself packed and unpacked almost fifteen times in course of half an hour. She was nervous, and who rightly wouldn't be in her situation? This would be the first time she has seen her mother in nearly fourteen years. She hadn't the slightest idea what to even expect when meeting her and were it not for her Hokage status opening up classified files to her it was likely that Lahlil never would have even remembered. The journal.. Reaching out for the worn manila book, her eyes set on reading through those old words. By now of course Lahlil had them committed to memory:

After liberating the young girl from the cage, we've found it hard to reintegrate her into society.

We've reached Sunagakure now and have gotten her to a a medical specialist in order in an attempt to deal with the mental and physical trauma she has gone through.

Over and over she read those very same words and yet each time she couldn't believe them to be true. Certainly she hadn't grown up with parents, but to not even be from the village at all? And if these side reports were true.. well it meant that her mother was not dead at all. In fact she lived on a small snowy peak none too fat from the land of Iron. Lahlil almost couldn't believe it! There were so many questions she had to ask, and oh my goodness what would she think of her now that she had grown up? The excitement was enough to make anyone anxious! [ 1 ]

It was a few more hours later when her bags were finally packed and stayed packed. With a single touch with the flat edge of her palm they poof'd from existence and into her little pocket holdings. Looks like this is it! I'm finally going to make my way home, mom here I come! With that thought placed firmly in her head the next few hours were a blur that mostly consisted the Hokage traveling out of Konohagakure with nothing more than the backpack on her back. The great thing about seals was that she could just bring anything she wanted with her easily. Other than that she knew she this was something she would have to do alone. Everyone was hard at work rebuilding the village and truth be told she felt enormous guilt leaving during such an important stage of it all, but it just felt wrong to face her people without seeing this through for some reason. It's why she hadn't even told Karuto and he was the closest person in the world to her. [ 2 ] 

After a light few days of nothing but constant travelling like this Lahlil stood on the edge of the border into the Land of Iron. Specifically, on the edge of a great snowcapped mountain. Looking at from her standpoint it was almost enough to intimidate her and made her realize just small she was in the world. Nothing else to do now but go up it I suppose. With pragmatic attitude to carry her onwards Lahlil would begin her climb. Each step into the foreign land caused nothing but questions of springing self-doubt however. Just what was she even doing here in the first place anyway? Should she bother caring about someone who might not even care about her? No, that couldn’t be it. She had to keep a positive thought over the situation, or she would be overcome. Who was to say to had to be because of a bad reason anyway? She had no clue whatever might have happened in her past, it could be anything! [ 3 ]

This back and forth continued on for ages until the conflicted kage finally reached the village. By now the snow was blowing with such ferocity that the Lahlil’s tiny form demanded that she summon an overcoat. The furry edges keeping the wind out of her eyes for which she was grateful now where things were only worsening. The village itself was frightening plain. Not a soul was out, probably due to the weather, and many of the buildings must have been abandoned from the disparity of their condition. Lahlil couldn’t help but criticize the unknown leader of the village for even letting it reach this point, and with a silent promise to herself to never repeat a similar situation the Hokage trudged off to one of the only lit buildings in the town, an inn. [ 4 ]

It’s glowing warmth radiated from the windows like a welcoming beacon for any and all travelers, although when Lahlil came through the loose wooden door it was anything but. A collection of unfriendly eyes were all set on her at once. Nothing but the sound of snow falling off of her coat filled the space while Lahlil was temporarily paralyzed by the anxiety. Offering up peace making smile the woman awkwardly shifted her way over to the only apparent source or ownership, a bar, all the while managing to hit every single creaky floorboard on the way there. At least once she started up conversation with the portly bartender the other patrons seemed to fall back to their own business as usual. “Uhm… hello, I guess I would like to rent one room please?” The man looked Lahlil over as if appraising her worth before he gave an answer. “100 ryo fer the night, you just missed dinner but I can ask the wife to cook up some leftover sausages if ya like.” Lahlil gave a short nod. “That would be very nice of you. If it’s not too much trouble could you send them up to my room? I’ve been travelling awhile now and could use some rest.” The man returned her nod and handed off a brass plated key which Lahlil took as her sign to leave not wanting to be around the gruff patrons any longer than she needed to. [ 5 ]

“Nooo mommy please! I’ll be good I promise!” “I told ya to keep yer damn mouth shut didn’t I? Get back here you ungrateful child!”

Lahlil shot up out of the covers, her breathing heavy. All night she had been plagued with wicked dreams but each time she awoke she found herself being unable to recall anything of her night terrors. Only the primal fear they had instilled within her. Sighing to herself it was time that she get up anyway. She was going to need every ounce of daylight that she could if she was going to find her mother. Running a hand through her tangled mess some would call hair, Lahlil summoned a wardrobe of clothes trying to pick something bright and colorful to make a good impression. [ 6 ]

Lahlil made her first stop at the bar from last night feeling braver now that it was devoid of people. “Excuse me mister! I know this might sound strange, but would you happen to know of any older woman who might have had a daughter a long time ago? Looks like me?” “Hm? Can’t say that I do no, but you won’t find it hard. There’s only two women in the whole town what could fit that bill. Check with the outskirts of the town. [ 7 ]

Lahlil nodded then left to follow his advice being that it was really the only lead she had. Stepping out of the door she found that the snow hadn’t decreased at all in it’s ferocity since last night and yet as she gazed around found that it didn’t seem to bother any of the denizens who was busy going about their daily life. It was a wonder how they ever managed to do anything. [ 8 ]

Truding through the snow drifts for another few hours, Lahlil struggled to keep herself warm as she underestimated how many coats she should have brought. When she at last could make out the woodwork on the horizon did new life string in her step, spurring her onwards with last ditch hope. thud thud thud. Her hand falls felt loud enough to shake the whole house. [ 9 ]

Despite this there was no response to her knock. Standing there in the snow Lahlil wondered if perhaps there was even anybody home and if she had made this trip for nothing. Then the door threw itself open to reveal a small old woman with raggedy white hair staring back at her. Age had not been kind and the woman worn on her face a permanent scowl on her face but all the same anyone would be able to see the resemblance. "Yer got fish fer brains girl? Whatda want!" The shout shook Lahlil out of her stupor like it was digging at some primal instinct she didn't know was there. "Uhm.. hello. T-this might sound a bit strange, but do you remember having a daughter? Well.. haha here I am! All grown up.." [ 10 ]

All was quiet for a moment in the peace of those falling snowdrifts. This moment had been playing in her mind on repeat since she had started this journey and now here she was! Finally getting to meet her mother! I wonder if my father will be here too?! Lahlil's only happy thought before passing through her mind before reality came crashing into her life. Wood slammed so hard that it nearly broke off it's the hinges, Lahlil stood there in complete disbelief of what had just happened. Tentatively she reached out to knock again. No reply. A third time. Still nothing. [ 11 ]

Cheeks puffed out and lips quivering she couldn't believe what was happening. "Hey!" The Kage's reply was met with only further silence. Finger engraving on the door frame, Lahlil drew a minor repulsion seal on each hinge. The small bit of chakra used to power them blew the door outward, allowing Lahlil full view of the inside. Trash, grime, and cobwebs filled most of it. The only obvious source of heat was coming from the cackling fireplace. "Why did you slam the door on me? I'm your daughter!" Even the shout of her accusation earned her no response. Only the cold smoke of her visible breath was the only movement in the home. [ 12 ]

Well Lahljl knew one thing for sure, if her mother wasn't going to give her answers then she was going to get them herself. Eyes twisting into the vibrant pink of her Sakkakugan, Lahlil hunted for the life force of anyone in the building. Easily she found the erratic beating of what must have been her mother in the upstairs room. Soft of like a predator in the night did the Kage slip upstairs. So far this whole plan had completely gone out the window and Lahlil's mind was a jumble, how should she be handling this? Was it best to sneak up on her? Should she try to ease her into it? Just why was she so frightened of her dang it! [ 13 ]

Foot creaking on a loose floorboard, the life force jumped still hearing that her hunter might be close. Lahlil took the shot and drives through the door in a hidden burst of speed. Thanks Karuto. Her mother who was hurdled up on a straw floor bed through up her hands, ice bolting from in an arrangement of spikes. Pivoting on her foot, Lahlil scarcely managed to twist away and to the side and continued her movement of tackling her mum. "Stop! Please don't kill me I didn't mean any of it!" Still struggling to escape, Lahlil gripped her hug tighter while using genjutsu to forcibly calm her mind. All of which was to avail as the woman was simply too far gone. [ 14 ]

"What are you talking about? Why would you think that I'm going to hurt you?" Still the woman struggled, using the grip of her hand frostbite spread across the whole of her arm causing Lahlil to stumble back least the rest of her body be consumed as well. The moment that she was freed from the grip her mother's body split into many guests of snowy wind that blew out the window. Lahlil gritted in pain and slowly came to her feet, stumbling down to the fireplace. The heat offered no relief but she knew that it from watching the medics from Oasis that the wound would need to be introduced to the warm slowly. [ 15 ]

The time was but a few hours later, Lahlil's arm had be bandaged with the clothe from one of her seals and ointment that she had the foresight to bring. Just what is going on here? And what should I even do! Ohh god. This whole trip was nothing but a huge waste. Even my mother wants nothing to do with me, I should have realized that when she ever came looking for me. It's not like it could have been hard, I'm the Hokage now. Sulking in her miserable state, Lahlil curled up into a fetal position in front of the fire. It was the coldest night for her in a very long time. [ 16 ]

"But mommy I don't wanna goo! I promise I'll be good I promise!" "Be quick you miserable little girl! It'll be a sure thing to get rid of YOU." Suddenly cold, like a wet metal sensation slapped across hed face and tears came streaming down her cheek.

"AHH!'" Lahlil awoke with a start and the sudden chills. Bringing her sleeve up to her face she wiped away the tears that had formed there. I was.. crying? In my sleep.. Frowing the lage placed another log on the fire and set up to start rummaging the house for clues. From the looks of it the house held enough room for at least two people, or a small family if they crammed themselves in. What she hadn't noticed at the time yesterday was a wooden door not too much further down the hallway of the upstairs. With scarcely a nudge the obstruction gave way. The room inside was filled with nothing but a small bed of straw and a broken window letting the cold in from the outside. Noticeably, old blood stains marred the walls. [ 17 ]

Lahlil just stood there frozen in place, not even a blink to show for herself. Up until that point none of it had made sense to her, why her mother would run away, why no one recognized her, why no one ever came looking for her. It was because they didn't want her. The realization left a hollow feeling in her gut that she didn't quite know how to deal with. Briefly her vision faded and Lahlil felt herself starting to go. Leaning against the wall for support, this time she let the feeling overtake her. [ 18 ]

Ferrah forced her eyes awake coldly gazing across the room. She never thought she would have to look at this place ever again and.. here she was. Worst of all Lahlil.. her poor Lahlil knew now. There's wasn't anything she could do to protect from the truth. Sighing to herself the woman curled her finger around the broken edges of the window while hunting with her Sakkakugan. There was no longer any alternative in her mind. This was the first time in so very long that Lahlil had needed her, she was watched from the shadows waiting to take over at a moments notice, and yet each time she had been able to preserve. [ 19 ]

Now it was her turn again and her vengeance would be swift as wildfire. While there was no life force for her to hunt with her eyes, there did so happen to be a pair of tracks leading in the snow. From what could be seen from where she was, her mother's frost nature and deep froze even the packed snow so that it left a strange marking that was visible in the normal gently pa led snowfall. That's my mark. Sith her slender figure the Hokage leaped out of through the window and with a grace of movement that almost made it seem as though she had wings, Ferrah flew through the white dunes ike a bat. [ 19 ]

The trail went 'cold' so to speak, at a cave hidden in the drifts. Ferrah wasted no time scoping it out or wondering what the enemy might have waiting for her. Ferrah was a woman of action. Entering the cave was a welcome respite from the winter winds and as soon as her hands were warm enough they set themselves to work making hand signs. An air current sprung to life around her body and Ferrah dove in deeper. Icicles had formed all throughout the deep blue cave and caused a reflections of different watery images. It was confusing enough to walk through and likely the sole reason that her mother was hoping to make her stand in here. [ 20 ]

With all the tactful grace that one would expect from the Hokage, Ferrah moved across the icy sheen on silent footsteps. She knew that she had to be being watched. Even if she wasn't it was better to assume the worst cast scenario. Which means I will probably- Another rippling of ice spikes came at her, Ferrah who was ready for it, leaped along the walls to try and find room to dodge in the cramped space with her wall walking technique. [ 21 ]

Transitioning up to the ceiling, Ferrah's finger dragged along the very tip of the ice spikes. A fuunin appearing along her arm as she did so and immediately sucked up the spikes straight from the ground. Sealed away in the palm of her hand the Kage threw them outward in a directional blast at the ice wall where they have cane from. Realizing that her cover had been seen through her mother summoned a wall of ice the closed off the end of the tunnel, then sent it skirting forward to either crush or push back anything in it's path. Thinking on her feet the Kage summoned earth ti burst through the cave floor and then disappeared into as if it were nothing but water. [ 22 ]

The ice wall crushed the earth stomp into pieces but Ferrah was otherwise unharmed. Breaking through to the otherside the woman found her mother waiting for her. Like lightning she was on her, at least as fast as Karuto despite her old age. Ferrah took the punch easy as it didn't have much strength behind it, however frostbite accrued as she did so. Wincing at the pain Ferrah locked her motjers arm into a hold while using the touch as a trigger for her genjutsu. A p***k of mental pain later and she would be entranced, as a paralytic poison were wracking her body. [ 23 ]

In the span of one move it was over. Her mother would be completely in her hands, believing and feeling the p***k was a real poison, she had no reason to believe that a kai would free her, and Ferrah would make sure that she never did. Pulling a kunai blade from her back pouch Ferrah slidecthe blade into her throat and held it there until she stopped struggling. The pleading in her eyes spoke every word that she could have possibly have said in that moment and Ferrah didn't want to hear any of it. Two seconds, that was all the time it took for her mother to die in her arms. Letting the woman fall to the floor while she reached for a small vial from her pouch. Ferrah made sure to collect enough blood from the fountain coming from her neck that would be suitable for an implant. [ 24 ]

It was during that moment of concentration so focused on her mother, that Ferrah neglected her hold over Lahlil. The sweating hit her first and immediately she knew what about about to come next. Panic swelled within her, she wasn't ready to lose control yet, not when there was still so much to do...

Lahlil awoke to the biting cold winds raging outside as well as a her now dead mother weighing down in her arms. The expression of her face was one of pure agony, such that Lahlil was forced to look away. Tears fell down her cheeks. She stayed like that for a very long time. Almost wishing to become frozen in place. 25

Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

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